
We follow Westley pretty far into the forest and then he stops. He looks around for a moment until he pushes some trees up and we see a beautiful waterfall behind them. Papaya and I run closer to it to see it in all its glory. There was a little lake and rocks everywhere. It was amazing to look at honestly.

"When did you find this place Westley?" I ask still looking at the waterfall.

"A couple months ago. I was camping here with my dad and I got mad for some reason. I ended up here, I have been coming here ever since." He explains.

"Well it's beautiful Wes." Papaya says turning around to face him.


What am I missing here?

We all sit down in the grass and start eating our tacos. We all make small talk and I find out some interesting things about Westley and Tyson. Westley is actually a straight A student though people think because of his personality he fails everything. Tyson actually hates playing football he much rather be playing the electric guitar than tackling people. I let them know Papaya sings and I play the drums.

"We can start a band!" I say excitedly.

"What would Westley play?" Tyson asks.

I look at him for a moment and conclude.

"The triangle. No one can mess up that." I say seriously.

Papaya and Tyson start laughing their butts off while Westley tries to defend himself. I stand up and head over to the waterfall. I feel someone behind me and I turn around to face Tyson. He points to the waterfall and I look at it again. He takes my hand and leads me across the rocks. I was surprised at the sudden pull but we made it across the rocks and into a cave behind the waterfall.

"Wow! How did you know this was back here Tyson!" I asked him looking around.

"I didn't" he says shrugging.

"What! So if this wasn't back here we would have crossed the rocks for nothing." I say.

He nods.

"You are so frustrating." I say to him.

"You are too sweetie." He says.

I roll my eyes and I look around the cave some more. Tyson uses his flashlight app on his phone to help us see a little better.

"Hey sweetie? Can I ask you something?" Tyson asks me.

"Sure go for it." I tell him.

"Why did you freak out like that at the party yesterday?" Tyson asked.

I freeze. I didn't want to remember that day at all. It was day I hated the most and never want to talk about it again.

"What do you mean freak out?" I asked casually.

"Calista you looked scared out of your mind and you wouldn't answer to anyone's calls. You passed out on the dance floor." Tyson said.

"I guess I was tired." I say shrugging.

"No one just passes out on the dance floor. You weren't even drunk! Sweetie you're hiding something and I don't like it." Tyson says.

I bite my lip.

"So what Tyson? Don't you get it? It was nothing!" I yell.

"Your lying Sweetie. Tell me what happened to you." Tyson says softer.

"No Tyson, I'm not just going to pour out my life story to you! You don't even know me that well! And stop calling me Sweetie!" I say running out the cave.

I kind of forgot we crossed rocks so I fell into the lake.

"This day just gets better and better!" I say swimming toward Papaya and Westley.

Tyson comes out and tries to help me out the water. I refuse him and get out myself. The water was cold so my clothes stuck to me and I was shivering.

"Papaya I want to go home." I say.

Papaya looks at Westley and he waves her off. Papaya leads me to the car and takes out a spare sweatshirt and sweatpants.

"You are so lucky I had extra clothes. What made you walk right into the lake Cali?" She asked.

I shrug and take the clothes. I change in the car and Papaya goes to get the guys. I sit in the passenger seat and the guys take the back. Papaya gets in the driver's seat and we drive off toward our houses.

"Cali are you okay?" Papaya asks me.

"Yes." I say sharply.

Papaya frowns and grips the steering wheel a little. I feel bad then because I didn't mean to snap at her. Tyson just picked a very bad time to ask me about that day.

Papaya drops Westley off first, then Tyson and I.

"You two need to get your stuff together. And Calista call me later." Papaya says then drives off.

Tyson and I just look at each other.

I start walking to my house and Tyson calls out to me.

"Sweetie!" He says.

"I am not your sweetie. I don't want to talk to you right now!" I yell running into my house slamming the door behind me.

My mom comes from out the living room and I start to cry.

"What's wrong honey?" She says hugging me.

"He just had to remind me of that day mom. He just had to." I say while crying.

My mom rubs my back while I cry into her shoulder.

I hate Tyson for making me cry.


An end to another chapter!

What do you think is that day?

The Ugly DareOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant