Tigers, and Gorilla attacks.

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I was at the cave still feeling tired from the lack of sleep. I've been having dreams of being stuck or seeing my friends dead. As I walked in I saw Superboy yell at Aqualad. I quickly ran and pulled him off him.
"Calm down whats going on? " I ask as I keep them apart.
"He put us at risk especially Megan," ge tried to reach again but I stoped him putting his arm on his back but he threw me off and I fell on my side. I see the rest of the team agree with Superboy.
"Guys either way we would've been in danger either way, so be thankful he was trying to protect us!" I yelled at them which shocked them since I normally am calm. Superboy gets mad again and he puchs me making me fly away a little and as I land I bruise my wrist.
"Enough we have something to take care of," batman said
"What about red tornado?"
"He's a member of the league therefore our problem," he then told us of our caregiver and also about the gorilla attacks.
"Your seriously got to be joking a gorilla?" He glares at me and the continues as nothing happened. He tells Aqualad our leader some stuff and KF says something and walks away I look at him and pat his back, "im sorry but I understand what you did and why you did that now come on we need our brave, and wise leader." He smiled and we went with the others.
"Im coming also," I looked at Marvel and heard Robin say something about not trusting us and as we get on KF says something to Aqualad.
-----time skip-----
As we reached in I got on my googles and Aqualad was telling us what to do but Robin spoke up and I ignored it.
"Robin shut up and listen cause whether you like it or not hes our leader and we listen to him," he glared at me and got in my space.
"Protecting you boyfriend shadow or should I saw-" I punch him and KF runs to him yelling at me.
"Whats your problem!"
"If he says who I am I do the same, and hes not my boyfriend but I wouldn't mind to date him since hes not being a total dick to someone over something so stupid!" He gets up and before another word was said he leaves with KF and then Superboy trys to do the same with Miss Martian but Artemis interferes and they leave and Conner does as well. Marvel and I are the only ones with him.
"That didnt end well," I say and he sighs.
"They are right," I look at him and place my hand on his shoulder and he looks up at me
"You did what you thought was right now come on leader im here to follow commands," he smiles and we walk ahead.
We soon came face in a battle with an elephant but I was being thrown around. Aqualad then tells me to distract them and I do so and he dies something and tells Marvel to do the same as well. The elephants than leave and I relaxe but feel more pain in my wrist but ignore it and continue on with our mission. As Marvel explains and gives advance to Aqualad he then thanks him and we soon hear Megan in our heads as she explains some stuff I shut then out and he looks at me, but I ignore it and then I follow Marvel and notice he's gone I look around but find nothing.
-----time skip----
I follow the aqualad bit hear the guys argue in my head and I feel a headache, but aqualad shits them up and we soon leave to find Marvel. As we found something or someplace Robin checks for stuff and we see a gorilla I then follow Megan as I watch Megan sneak past but is attack and KF runs to help. We try to do other stuff and I go with then and find a brain in a machine with Marvel strapped down i find a button and press it and soon Superboy here with a wolf. As we finishes we walk back and I pet the Wolf and the guys think about stuff and we all chose to keep Aqualad as our leader. I smile and get in the ship, and as I sit down I feel someone looking at me and look to see Aqualad.
"Thank you for not losing trust in me," I shrug and he smiles.
"Your the leader and I am part of the team," as we talk I see Robin walk up to me
"I'm sorry about what I almost said I was mad," he said
"I'm sorry for punching you," he smiled and we went on back to the cave.

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