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"Now now we must be patient we dont want her frienda to miss this moment as well," he said as he laughed and Ivy smirked as Harely laughed along with him.
And now we continue.
---Jane's POV---
"Shh! She's waking up," I heard someone say. I tried to get up but couldn't I was strapped down, and quickly opened my eyes and saw Ivy, Harely, and Joker. I started to struggle, but harley moved the bed I was in and I saw we were in a type of lab. I then saw a room empty but had a huge tube that was empty and next to it was a table with buttons and multiple screen's.
"Put her in there before she gets out," Ivy said as Harley put me in. I tried to get out but it started to fill with something.
"Now dear Jane last time I was able to start part one of my experiment, but I have another experiment I want to do," He smiled as he pushed another button and soon the tank was full and I felt wires stab my back and arms. I tried to stay awake but couldn't and the last thing I felt was myself being filled with something and also a change as well.
3rd person POV.
As Janes eyes closed Joker left the room and went to the lair. From there they planned their next move.
At the cave the guys were going to eat out but remembered Shadow went to take a nap. They went to go wake her up but found nothing. They looked around, but found only a note. Robin picked it up and showed the others.
"We have to find her!" Megan said
"We need a plan first," Aqualad said
"Plan! They might kill her we dont have time for that!!" Robin said as he stormed off and went to locate the hideout. As he did so there was a video disturbance, and the joker popped up with Ivy.
"Oh you must of known your little friend is missing," Joker said as he moved over as in front of them was Shadows capsule. Superboy growls remember his time in one. Kf looks shocked, and Artemis had practically a death grip on her bow.
"We will take you down!" Robin said as he still tried to get the coordinations. Joker laughed and moved to where they could see Shadow better. They noticed that her hair was changing it became a darker color but mixed with another. Her skin became a pale color of white, but you can see she felt pain even if she was unconscious you could still see it. The wires on her skin still connected to her skin.
"Oh look she's done." Joker said as he pushed a button and the liquid disappeared along with the wires she fell to the floor. Ivy grabbed her and took her out of the shot and into a room. Joker turned around and looked start at the camera, "if you wish to see her again then come get her." The image left and Robin was finally able to find there location.
"I have a plan." Aqualad spoke and the team got together and prepared to save their teammate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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