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------At the cave-------
I went in the gym or whatever they call it. I saw the team listening to Canary and I stood next to the guys. She looked at me and sighed knowing I just got done with school stuff.
"Ok we'll be training, " I looked at the others and wally decided to challenge her. I laughed with Robin as he was knocked down. Superboy then challenged her and was knocked down twice. She tried gving him advice but didnt listen.
"Superboy might want to listen cause I also couldn't hold in my anger." He scoffed and then we changed into normal clothes but I had on some shades and my contacts were still on but I wanted to wear my shades.
---time skip when the are following the truck----
I knew something was up with superboy and superman. I ignored it and continue to follow Robin as we went behind the truck, but some bots start to attack it. I quickly put my bike into auto and I jump off my bike and onto the roof fighting off some of them.
"Robin we have to tell Aquald incase it happens to them," I yelled to my earpiece as I continue to knock of the bots.
"Too late!" I groan and I see superboy jump off his bike to help but it hits Robin and he jumps off his bike and mine gets hit as well.
"We have to do something." Superboy gets knocked off and I try to stay on, and soon robin joins and as does superboy. The bot blow the tires and we are forced to get off and Robin gets the driver out and I stay on, "Conner we have to get off now!" He throws away the link, but I stay to keep with him.
"Leave!" He looked at me and I stood with him
"No we are a team and we stick together." I took off my comm link and threw it back and he was surprised but didn't argue after that.
-------ze time skip----- at the school.------
I realized we were at gotham school. Hey I might not have school for a while now. Superboy then fights amazo and I try to get professor Ivo, but superboy gets thrown at me and we go back.
I feel my blood boil and get up running up trying to fight Amazo, but nothing happens I feel myswlf get more mad with each punch. I than get thrown through the hallway of the school and into the gym. I am grabbed again and thrown at the floor, but I am saved before Amazo could smash me I look up and see KF he smiles and sets me down and trys to fight off Amazo with superboy.
I then go to attack Ivo which makes him go protect him and the guys notice my plan and superboy lauches a fist to his head which then he ends up exploding.
"Well thats taken care of," I say as I feel weak after all my adrenaline goes away. I feel pain in my head and back. I fall but am caught by Megans power Robin grabs me and he tells us that Ivo has escaped.
"We'll get him some other time," aqualad says and we return to the cave where batman tells us aboit stuff but I feel worse by the minute. We also found out the arrow they thought was green arrow isn't. I notice that the two Super (aka superboy and superman) are trying to get along. I smile and superboy then apologies to Canary and he trains.
"Guys today was-" I talked but then fell to my knees from oain jn my head. I felt Canary run to my as Batman checked my head.
"She hit it quite bad so she might have to rest since its going to cause a lot of difficulty for her." He lifted me and Canary stayed to train the others. As he took my to his home he took off his mask and got changed. He took off my googles and check my head while Alfred got some pain medicine.
"You cant tell anyone," I nodded, but to be honest I knew who he was, but Robin not much I still haven't. I then heard someone come in and I knew it was robin.
"Hows your head?" I shrugged and took the pills alfred gave me.
"Im alive so good," he smiled and I got up but felt dizzy, "I have to head back goodbye robin, " I then left in the zetatubes and was at home. Canary made sure I was ok and placed me in bed and smiled as she turned off my light and she went to sleep in her room. I closed my eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Fallen Hero (rewritten)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum