Yes Alpha. I responded and looked him in the eyes. He gave me a wolfish grin before saying, And I promise to keep you from harm and be loyal to you also.

The whole pack howled and yipped and soon the ceremony was over. We were heading back to the house to get dressed and then have a greeting party for me. I made sure to dress up real nice before I went back downstairs to be met by my new pack members. They all shook hands with me and told me their names, while I smiled politely trying to remember all of them.

Soon I found Zach and Samuel hanging out with someone I haven't got the chance to meet yet. They were laughing and when I approached they eventually calmed down.

“Hey guys!”

“Mari! Haven't seen you since the little incident!” Zach yelled, his words slurring a little while he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I scrunched my nose up at him and held down the blush that tried to rise to my cheeks. “Yeah,” I said through gritted teeth, “Haven't seen ya. Hey, um, mind introducing me to your friend?” Samuel was being quiet the whole time, while their friend looking up at me with sparkling gray eyes.

Samuel was about to say his first word that night but the mystery guy held his hand up, “No worries guys, I can introduce myself.” He gave me a wink before continuing, “The name's Blake. You're Mari right?”

“Yup.” I said casually, popping the p at the end.

“Cool! I can tell we're going to be great friends!” His smile matched mine as we shook hands.

“For sure.”

“Hey Mari! Can I talk to you for a bit?” Max's voice came from behind me and I twirled around to see his face.

“Sure.” I responded curiously and looked back at Samuel, Zach, and Blake. I gave them all a sheepish smile before saying, “I guess I'll catch you guys later then!” I waved to them and ran to catch up with Max, who's form was already disappearing in the crowd.

Once we reached our destination, I realized we were inside Max's office. I sat down in the nearest chair as I heard the door behind me shut. Max walked towards his chair and folded his hands on his desk, staring intently at me. I've never seen him so serious before and I wondered what was up.

“I know you have shifted a few months ago since you're what? 16? I'm 19 by the way.” He gave me a brief smile and continued, “I realized you haven't gone to much training so, I was wondering if I could be your personal trainer so you could catch up with the pack. We do a lot of extremely hard training, with us only having few men, so we need to get you in top shape.” He raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for my decision and I decided that I really could use training. I wanted to become strong, stronger than the girl that arrived here a week ago.

“Yes.” I agreed and his eyes twinkled, “Great! You start tomorrow!”

I stood up to leave before he stopped me, “Wait, um, there's one more thing. In three or four months we are going to go visit a neighboring pack for a reunion. It's better to be friendly than going to war, so be ready!”

The Alpha's Promise (1st Book of The Alpha Wolves)Where stories live. Discover now