Another fifteen minutes pasted before Slughorn called us all to attention. "Let's see what we have then," he exclaimed happily, beginning to make his way around the classroom, stopping to make remarks on different peoples potions.

"Oh, Charlotte, close, close."

"Remus, very good, very good. You may have missed out the eel tail though."

"Chloe, oh, good try dear."

"James... Well, Mr Potter, I have no idea what happened here," Slughorn mumbled, stopping at James cauldron with a frown.

James glanced at me and then Slughorn. "Sorry, sir," he replied. "I was slightly distracted."

I felt my cheeks heat, while Slughorn passed on to me, with face filled with excitement. He peered into my cauldron, expecting good things, but then glanced up at me with disappointment. "Lily, dear," he said, just loud enough for the close students to hear. "It looks like you were distracted too."

I looked down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Professor. I'm just so excited for the holidays."

With that his frown disappeared. "No worry, no worry, dear," he started to walk away, but then backtracked and whispered. "I was meaning to ask you, I am planning on having a little get together with some students after the holiday on the evening of the first day back. I hope you'll be able to have a break from your Head Girl meetings for one evening."

"Thank you, I'll be sure to be there."

He beamed and bustled off to continue with his lesson.


Kings Cross Station was packed with parents that were all excited to see their children again. Students said their final goodbyes and made plans to write and meet up at Diagon Alley in the Holiday.

I hugged Mel goodbye and said a quick hello to her parents. She was a half blood, so her Mother still gazed around the place as though she was in her own dreams.

My parents stood in the corner of the station, void of other parents. They weren't the social type and being a different breed of people, muggles, was in their minds a good reason to be nervous and I can't say that I particularly blame them. To me, they were the only things keeping me connected to the muggle world; my muggle life.

They began to smile as I made my way over to them, but I was pulled to a stop, just around the corner, by a warm hand on my shoulder.

Turning, I saw James, with a smile on his face. "You know," he said, smirking. "It's very easy to pick you out of crowds, Lily. You know, with you being a-"

I raised an eyebrow, as if to say, "are you really going to go there?"

He smiled even more. "-very pretty girl."

"Good save," I laughed and he joined in.

"Well," he mumbled, when we had finally stopped laughing. "Have a good holiday."

"Yeah, you too," I muttered back.

We just sort of stared at each other then, not knowing what to say, which for us was a bit of a novelty.

Then, as though he had just gathered the courage and didn't want to wimp out, he pulled me into a warm hug.

I thought it was weird that me and James Potter were now at a point that we were hugging when the rest of the time we had known each other had been us at each other's throats.

But, as I rested my head on his chest and he leant his chin on my hair, I couldn't help but close my eyes and think, oh yes, he's quite comfy, I kind off like it here.

Eventually we pulled away from each other and I couldn't help but notice how his breathing seemed to have sped up, like he'd just ran a race and I couldn't help that notice that mine had too. What was happening to me?

"Well," I mumbled, thinking about therapies that I could possibly take. "See you later."

Then, in the spare of the moment, against my best judgment, I leant forward and gave him a kiss on the check. "Thanks for not being a jerk this term," I muttered and, before I could see his expression, I turned and very quickly ran away to my concerned parents.

"Who was that," my Mum whispered as she gave me a hug.

I shrugged. "Oh, you know, just some boy."


I stood, starring after the red head that bounced from me as she ran gracefully away.

My silence was sickening to my ears. James Potter does not do silence, I thought, I do not do silence.

Though, I didn't make a move to turn, to walk away, to greet my probably impatient parents. I just raised a shaking hand and placed it on the spot were her lips had touched my skin, where it tingled, where it almost stung hot. And I thought, what does this mean?

What did you guys think?!?

I have been pondering on having a James POV for a while now, but I thought, no let's keep some mystery.

However, I couldn't help but slip this little part in. How do you think I did in portraying him in such a short way?

So, I won't be posting for a couple of weeks, but I promise that I will have a few chapter ready to go as soon as I get home!

Thanks for reading!!





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