The Gift of Sand: Part 2

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In a farmhouse overlooking a bountiful crop of cacti, a woman worked busily in her kitchen cooking a stew of fine vegetables and cow meat bought from a traveling merchant. Only looking up from her work to tend to her crying baby.

"There now, little Sheeba, Momma must finish supper. Papa will be home soon." The child's cry continued. "What is it, my dear?" Dolsi handed her the rattle that Horris had made. "There, now," she said, "that's better. Now, be a good girl."

At that moment, Horris popped through the door with Stumont carrying the treasure basket. He walked into the kitchen to see Dolsi consumed with her work at their small rusty cooker.

"How are my two darlings?" he said.

"Busy at work, Horris. Supper will be ready in a few minutes."

"Add one more plate. Stu is here."

"Very well," she said, turning towards him. She noticed the basket and inquired. "A surprise?"

"Yes, Dolsi, one you don't want to miss."

Dolsi noted the mystery in his voice as he laid the basket next to Sheeba's table-top cradle. He opened the cover to reveal the tiny baby. Dolsi looked on the child with joy and confusion, hoping Horris had an explanation.

"Where did it come from?" she asked, looking up at him.

"She was abandoned in Death Canyon. Stu and I found her. Dolsi, I know we have all we can handle, but I couldn't just leave her there. I'll take her to the village tomorrow and find..."

"Nonsense, she'll stay with us. Besides she has webbed hands, and no one would take her like that. Sheeba will have a sister, someone to play with."

"Are you sure?"

"I am if you are. You must have been to have brought her home. She is our daughter now." Dolsi noticed the pretty cactus flower in the basket with the baby.

"Oh, look, Horris, an Oli blossom. We shall call her Olya, flower child," she said, lifting the baby out of the basket. "Oh, Horris, Olya has no clothes, and she's filthy."

"I understand, Dolsi. You tend the baby; I'll watch the stew."

Dolsi happily saw to the new baby, her days of sorrow as a prisoner long gone. She had a new life, one with Horris and her two daughters, but the memories were never far behind.

Dolsi was once a slave in Doemah and was sent to the harem of the great nobles, but unlike the other slave girls, Dolsi dared to escape. As a result an operation was performed on her to rid her of the ability of reproduction. She was eventually freed after Poe's great battle, but at the cost of what she believed her only asset.

Horris knew of from the beginning and pleaded with her that it didn't matter. He said that it made him love her more, but it was hard for Dolsi to believe this.

Because of her mistrust, she became more and more depressed as the years passed. She wanted a child, begged the spirits to grant her request. She waited patiently for her prayer to be answered, but no child ever came.

She felt pain at this handicap and contemplated on ending her own life, but one night, a night like any other, Dolsi repeated her long forgotten prayer.

In the hours before dawn a songbird awakened Dolsi. She opened the window of their bedroom breathing in the sweet air. Dawn rose as she busily prepared breakfast. Once done, she thought to go outside to thank the bird for its sweet music. When there on the platform stoop that was the farmhouse's porch, a child was left, a beautiful baby girl with blue-green eyes and traces of dark cherry tresses on the top of her head.

Her prayer had been answered at last as she read the note attached to the baby. "A gift," was all that was written.

The spirits had blessed her a second time. Sheeba and now Olya, how special and precious they were, especially in the mysterious and unexplainable way they had come. She hoped they would always remain forever her children.

So I finally posted this scene but there is more to come. I w\have three different stories written and would like to write more. I hope you all enjoy.

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