Ch. 9: Conspiracy Theories

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Kari's POV

Saden and I were wandering around Sutomura, slowly making our way towards the western gate. Telem was perched comfortably on my shoulder, and Zahra napped on Saden's head. We were in no hurry, having just had a quick breakfast, and we were ready to head out into the desert.

As we were walking, Saden managed to maneuver himself so that he was walking backwards, facing me. And he managed to do it without bumping into anyone. Zahra was still asleep on his head, and Telem's curious gaze swept the surroundings.

I wasn't talking, and neither was my twin. But then Zahra stuck her head up and stared at something behind me. Then she cheeped something into Saden's ear quietly.

Of course, I had no idea what she said. And I didn't want to bother Telem, who was so enraptured with staring around the village that he wasn't paying attention to us. So I waited, and hoped that Saden would share.

"Kari..." There we go. "Someone's following us."

I rolled my eyes. "Aren't you being a bit paranoid? He could just be going in the same direction as us."

"No... It's more than that."


"Trust me Kari. We need to get a move on it." Saden said seriously. I groaned, but nodded.

"Fine." And then I turned my head back to see who this guy was that got Saden so worried. We made eye contact.

And now I know why he was so worried.

It was Daken.

The blond summoner hadn't changed much over the years. His outfit was slightly more mature, and his hair was longer. And his teal eyes... There was so much pain and sorrow...

But when his eyes met mine, all that seemed to disappear. And I could read his emotions like a book.

He was stressed, and worried. About what, I couldn't tell. But there was hope in his gaze when our eyes met, and relief.

Our contact was broken when Saden grabbed my arm, yanking me into a crowd. I struggled, but couldn't escape my twin's grip. And as soon as we were out of sight in a dark alley, Saden commanded Zahra and Telem to transform.

"Saden! What are you doing? Why did we run?" I yelled, pulling my arm out of his grasp. "That was Daken! He's not a threat!"

"Didn't you see his headband?" My twin asked furiously. "He is a ninja of the Hidden Leaf, and I know of that man. He has the skill to be chosen as the one to hunt us down. He's not here for you!"

I flinched, and Saden turned angrily to Zahra. Without a word, she took her larger form, and Saden climbed aboard. "Get on, or I'll leave you behind." I flinched again.

Then, I turned sad eyes on Telem, and my partner understood. Telem expanded, growing into his larger form. I climbed on without speaking. Then Saden took off, with Telem following reluctantly behind.

The two dragons flapped a bit to gain altitude, then Zahra leveled off. Telem followed close behind. Both dragons flew west, to where the beginnings of the great desert could be seen. Hints of yellow and white sand mixed with brown, and gray stone. Very few plants could be seen, and we were just at the edge.

This is going to be a long trip.


The five shinobi met up outside the inn. All showed various emotions, from disappointment (Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi), to indifference (Toru), and blatant sadness and guilt (Daken).

Eclipse (A Naruto Fanfiction) (Sequel to The Silver Wolf) (Complete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant