Ch. 2: The Scrolls

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Kari's POV

I was back in Sutomura again, and I must say, I haven't missed the place.

Sure, there was a kind of rustic charm about the place, but still. Water. Everywhere. I love water as much as the next person, but this is literally the Stream Village. AKA streams. All over the place. Too much water.

Saden must hate it. He does have Fire nature chakra, after all. Stinks for him.

I decided to lead us to a different inn, trying to make sure no one would recognize me. If they did, they'd remember that after I left, Spider Vanguard was disbanded. They could take that in both a good and a bad way.

Hopefully a good way, but you never know.

Saden followed me around, not making eye contact with anyone. Probably hoping not to be recognized either. He is a wanted criminal, after all. If he was recognized, that would be a bit of a problem. For both of us.

I sensed, rather then saw, Telem flying overhead. Checking in on us undoubtedly. That dragon...

"Kari. We're here." Saden said, startling me out of my little daze. I nodded hastily, walking inside and booking a room for two. Saden didn't enter till later, still fearing that people would distinguish who he was.

When we were safe in the room, Saden finally relaxed, and we both took a bed. It was only late afternoon, but my brother was exhausted. Stress, I was guessing.

Me, not being as tired, decided to go check out the town. But before I went outside, I placed a basic Transformation jutsu on myself. Actually, Saden and I should have done that sooner...

Too late now. The innkeepers saw our faces, so if we changed them, they'd get suspicious. But now would be the perfect opportunity.

After the jutsu, I hadn't changed that much. The only things different were my hair and eyes. My black hair was now a light brown shade, with blond highlights. And instead of ice-blue, my eyes were now a plain hazel color. And after I glanced into a nearby puddle, I realized one thing.

I had unconsciously taken the facial features I had in the other dimension. The one I was raised in. When I looked in that puddle, I saw who I used to be.

And thankfully no longer was. I was perfectly happy in this new place. The place I was supposed to be. The place where I was born, and the place where my parents were from. The place where I met my real brother. The place where I actually had a place in the world.

Not like my previous life, where I was destined for one thing. To be a bodyguard to my spoiled little foster brother Lucas.

I was glad to be gone.


Now alone in her office, Lady Tsunade took a closer look at the two scrolls she had grabbed. There was no one in the building at all, as she had dismissed the staff early. She wanted to be by herself when opening these. No one knows what information they may contain.

The first scroll, the one on the Sasaki clan, was well-worn and slightly frayed around the edge. It was a decent size, and had both the kanji for Sasaki on the outside, and the symbol for the clan. The symbol was a circle with six segments that swirled into the center. Each of the segments was a different color- red, blue, brown, purple, yellow, and white.

The other scroll was much smaller, and much newer. The Sarutobi clan symbol was the only visible marking on the outside. Tsunade looked at both scrolls, and decided to open the Sasaki one first.

Inside, the first thing you noticed was all the writing. Letter upon letter, they were scrawled upon the page. A wealth of knowledge about the clan, all in one scroll. Tsunade glanced through it, taking in all the important information.

That now complete, she now looked at the other scroll.

This one, when it was unrolled, contained only a few paragraphs. It was the neat handwriting that Tsunade recognized as that of the Third Hokage. This scroll was something he wrote, and sealed away for her. So she opened it.

To whomever my replacement is;

I have written this in the event of my death, seeing as I will most likely not survive the Chunin Exams. I have seen what is to come, and I know Orochimaru is the one who will end me. And he will be accompanied by a young man known as Saden Sasaki.

His sister is a shinobi I have promised welcome to this village upon her return, named Kari Sasaki. And knowing that girl, she will want her brother here as well. If anyone can turn him, it's her. And Sasaki's are known for not giving up on family.

This is my hidden will, my last order as Third Hokage of Konohagakure. Kari Sasaki, and her brother Saden Sasaki, are to be welcomed as shinobi of this village, despite any crimes they may have committed in the past. None of these were committed willingly.

-Hiruzen Sarutobi, Third Hokage of Konohagakure.


And that's chapter two. Hope all you readers enjoy!

Dedication is going to xXKatsu_UzumakiXx! Thank you for the votes!

I've got really short author's notes. Jeez, what is this?


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