Chapter 13

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It's that time again my lovelies... The next part you have all been waiting for



I had to laugh every time I look over at Dillon, he and Cameron were giving us bedroom eyes. I knew Dillon didn't want to come to dinner especially with the sex that felt like we were starved of each other when we got home.

I knew once we walked in the doors of our home, all the tension that was building between us would surface within seconds. Staring at him across the table from me, I instantly craved his touch, longed for where his fingers burned me with passion hours ago and when his eyes meet mine, I could see he knew. See he knew what I felt and wanted with the smirk forming on his face making my stomach twist in knots.

Picking up my plate I make my way to the kitchen to put it in the sink when I feel a set of hands wrap around my waist and lips close around my earlobe "Let's go home"

As if my body betrayed me I felt a familiar sickly feeling build up from my stomach, I cover my mouth and make a dash for the bathroom with Dillon pushing me gently towards it

"She ok?" I hear Elizabeth's voice from the doorway as I empty the consumption of dinner into the toilet bowl

"I think I'll take her home for some rest" Dillon says whilst gently rubbing my back

"Yeah Hun, your cooking was amazing it's just baby" I smile up at her before feeling the overwhelming sensation churn deep within my stomach, pushing my hair aside once more, I feel the contents of my stomach climb up my throat and out of my mouth. I have always hated throwing up and once again I feel tears fall from my eyes. Dillon kisses my cheek and wipes my tears away with a smile.

"Go try and get some rest babe" She winks at me

We made it home in time for me to make it to the bathroom once more "I can't seem to hold anything down" I say "There's some tablets in my bag for my nausea baby, can you please grab them?"

Dillon looked too reluctant to leave my side, just imagine the look on his face when he finds out I am travelling with them tomorrow.

I took the moment he left the bathroom to move to our room. While he went to fetch my bag, I undressed only laying in my underwear on top of the bedcovers, waiting for him to come back.

I hear his footsteps towards our room and I quickly face my back to him so he can get a nice visual of my round ass in a thong as I sit up on my knees. His intake of breath was my reward, I turn my head slightly to see him pulling his shirt off of his body.

I smile at him as my fingers move to remove my bra but his hands stop mine and his lips on the back of my neck halt any movement I am to make. I hear the clip come undone then to feel his feather light touch slowly pull down my bra straps. As his lips caress my shoulder I fail to recognize his fingers move around my waist and up my chest to pull my nipples until they harden.

At the sound of my moans from his touch, he groans. I couldn't contain them, it is as if being pregnant has heightened my sexual desire for my husband. My hands stretch out to grab a hold of the bed sheets, forcing me into an all fours position. I feel his dick press hard into my core and I sigh as he pulls away suddenly.

I turn my head slightly to look back at him and he is undoing his jeans then letting them fall to the floor, letting my eyes wonder down to what I crave for a moment before he climbs back on the bed.

Now lying on my back I pull him in when he stops leaving a gap between our stomachs. I could feel every pulse his dick made inside me as he slowly thrusts in and out

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