16. protection of all kinds

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- Ashton -
I must admit my first date with Xanthey was something special. It was cheesy and corny and any other type of food you can think of that relates to a typical first date. After we kissed I did the gentleman thing of holding her hand while I walked her back to my car. I opened the door and shut it, then driving back carefully and then again opening her door and shutting it. To then walk her to her door in one piece. I must say I was very proud of myself. We gave brief goodbyes and hugged and a quick peck before leaving. It was extremely cheesy but I liked it. Xanthey loves books and I wanted her to have her rom com moment.

I spent Sunday preparing myself for Monday. I knew this day would be interesting. Firstly because the guys would want to know what happened on our date. Secondly I get to see Xanthey which makes me nervous and thirdly I have to deal with Bree. She has been bugging me ever since I moved here. She is in my Math class. She makes sure every lesson she is sitting next to me. No matter how many times I change where I sit. If I was sitting in the closet she would follow.

I quickly checked my hair in the mirror of my visor and jump out of my car. I slung my backpack onto my shoulder and walked towards the school.
"Hey Ashton" I get a wave from Bree. She is wearing a skirt that is way too tight and way too short for my liking.
"Uh hey Bree" I quickly walk past her into the school but I am stopped by the annoying blonde.
"How was your weekend?" She flutters her fake eyelashes at me. I never really understand why someone would wear them to school
"Really great, I had a date" her face dropped. She pursed her lips and furrowed her brows.
"What do you mean a date? Like wish a girl" I chuckle at her response
"Yes Bree with a girl. A girl that isn't you. Now if you excuse me I have school to attend" I push past her and walk into the building. The first person I see is Michael.
"Hey Mikey"
"Ashton! You're here! You survived! I'm so proud of you!"
"What do you mean I survived?" He places his hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes
"You survived walking past Bree this morning! She asked me when you were arriving and I said I didn't know. Did you tell her about Xanthy?" I laughed a little at his response but then I became a little concerned
"I told her I went on a date, not with Xanth. I didn't want to risk Bree hurting her because of it" I began to wonder what lengths Bree is willing to go to hurt Xanthey.
"Don't worry bro we all have her back" Michael gave me good reassurance. The boys love Xanth like a sister, me not so much due to the fact I like her in a non-incest way.
"Hey there love bird, how was Saturday night?" Calum shot me a grin and a wink
"It was good, I was a perfect gentleman" I took pride in my politeness.
"Did you take in the back of your car and f-" suddenly someone's hand covered Calum's mouth
"I swear if you say anything like that about my sister I will take you to the back of my car and hit you with my car door" Xander stood over Calum. I never knew he could be so intimidating he was always such a chill guy. I remember he threat to me it took me by surprise.
"Hey Xander." Luke as always trying to defuse the tension gathering. He had a talent for making people calm and fluffy. Like a sleepy puppy. "Ashton bought Xanthey ice cream and everything. He didn't do anything bad I promise. Liz would be proud" if something was done right in Liz Hemmings book it was done right by everyone. Xander loosened his grip off Calum and gave an apology.
"Sorry man. You're sister is hot in a nerdy dork kinda way" with that Xander punched Calum in the arm. "What did I do?" Calum whined at Xander rubbing his arm
"That's my sister dude" Xander crossed his arms and furrowed his brows. I wanted to get rid of this tension and fast
"Xander just be glad Xanth isn't dating Cal" with that Xander looked me with the same hard expression. Then it turned into a smile and he laughed
"Yeah that's true. Hey turn around someone is here to see you" I slowly turn to a head of dull blonde hair and blue eyes. My Xanthey. I scooped her up into a hug and held her tight to my chest. She giggles into my ear. "Good morning Xanthey" I whisper just so she can hear me
"Good morning Ash" I put her down and I notice a flash of barbie blonde. I look up to see Bree standing behind Xanthey.
"This is the girl you went on a date with? Are you serious? You would rather date that thing that me. I'm everything a guy wants and more" the thought of dating her and not Xanth makes me cringe.
"I will never go on a date with you Bree. Not even if you paid me to." I stood my ground. Nobody talks about my girl like that. Well Xanth isn't my girl.. Not yet at least but I want her to be.
"You're going to regret coming out of your hole you little slut" Bree started towards Xanthey but I stepped in front of her.
"Don't think about doing anything to her. If you lay one finger on her I won't hesitate to show the whole school the nudes you sent to me." I look coldly into her eyes and her cool faltered a little.
"Watch what you say Irwin." With that she shimmy her way down the hall in her annoying heels. I turn to meet Xanth standing behind me still.
"Why did you do that?" She looks at me bewildered
"Because... I like you Xanth." With that I placed a small peck on her lips.
"Ew no. Fuck no. Stop that's gross." Xander poked his tongue out his mouth and covered his eyes.
"What Xander don't you like kissing?" With that Xanthey tried to give Xander a grandma kiss on the cheek.

I will protect this girl no matter what.

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