8. party favours and life savers

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- Xanthey -

I knock back another shot of the burning clear liquid. My head is fuzzy and I keep losing my balance. I found myself at a party that Xander is always invited to but never attends, I can see why. There are teenagers with reckless behaviour doing every single illegal thing under the sun. I wander over to the kids in the backyard smoking.

"Hey do you have anything that makes you feel numb?"

"Yeah girly try some of this shit." The boy with long curly hair hands me what looks like a cigarette. He lights it up and I take a long drag and then push out the smoke from my lungs. I start to float like nothing can touch me. I am finally free.

- Ashton -

I was still in utter shock. I couldn't believe someone so beautiful could do that to themselves. She was a princess and she always sees herself as the peasant. Xanthey Hillford, the girl I can't get off my mind. I have no idea but ever since I laid eyes on her at that party all I have wanted to do was know her, every inch of her in every way possible. Okay I want to know her in a physical way like come on I'm a guy I have urges, but I want to know her like she knows herself and maybe even more than that. I want to know what makes her smile, what makes her cry and what I can do to help cure her of her tears.

I have been pacing in my room for about an hour, I tried to run after Xanthey but by the time I found her in the car park she was already driving away. I had contemplated going over to her house to see if she is okay but I don't want to turn up and Xander does the whole big brother act on me. I think he suspects I have a little crush on his sister considering I ask about her a lot. I can't help it though. Nobody knows her better than the person she shared the womb with.

Bzzzz bzzzz. Bzzzz bzzzz. *Xander Calling*

I pick up my phone and see that Xander is calling me, I really hope he isn't going to shout at me for making Xanthey upset. I answer the call.

"Hey bro"

"Oh hey Xander what's up?"

"Nothing really, just wondering if you have seen Xanth?"

"Is she not home yet?"

"No she isn't, I was wondering if she was still with you. You did go and talk to her at lunch today right?"

"Yeah I did but she left, I thought she would of gone home."

"Did something happen and you're not telling me, you sound really weird" I want to tell Xander about Xanthey because I can't keep something like this to myself I might explode.

"Did you know anything about Xanthey hurting herself?" I heard a sigh from the other side of the line.

"Yeah I saw a glimpse of her wrist yesterday. It honestly broke my heart but I can't talk to her about it because I'm scared she is going to get upset and do something worse."

"Well I think that something worse is happening right now."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw her cut and she freaked out and ran away."

"Fuck are you serious?"

"Sorry man"

"Shit shit shit shit."

"What?! What happened!?"

"I just got a text from Harry, he saw Xanth at Jeremy Keller's house."

"Is that bad?"

"The guy is a fucking drug dealer."


/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

We arrived at Jeremy's house and there were drunk teenagers everywhere. Why the fuck is Xanthey here, she hates parties, especially ones like this.

"What the fuck has she got herself into?" Xander looks at the house with a blank expression, he does so well hiding his emotions. I know the bullying has taken a toll on Xanthey but its also drained Xander, he really does love his sister.

"Lets just go find her man." Xander nods and we both head inside the house.

After looking inside for an hour we were beginning to lose hope. "She isn't even here dude. Maybe Harry was wrong and didn't see her here."

I was about to agree with him but then I saw a girl with dark golden hair dancing like a fish out of water. Xanthey.

I didn't even stop to tell Xander I found her, all I wanted to do was check she was okay.

"Xanthey?" She turns around and her eyes light up

"Ashy oh my gosh you're here! Dance with me, the music is amaaaazing." She sounds like a drunk hippy. Her words are elongated and slurred.

"Xanthey its time to go home" I put her hair behind her ears so I could inspect her face. I could just see the dark shadow of the bruise on her face covered by makeup. No new marks on her face, thats a start.

"Shhh Ash you will wake the sleeping trolls." She points to a couple of girls passed out on the couch. "The elephant told me to not wake the trolls. The trolls have magic and will turn your hair into twislers, I don't want that to happen because I will eat my hair!" her pupils were dilated, Xanthey was high. Fuck.

"Xanthey the trolls won't wake up okay, I'm going to carry you so your footsteps won't make a noise." I pick up Xanthey and she continues to put her finger to my mouth and telling me to shhh.

I reach Xander and I think he is about to cry. "Where did you find her?"

"She was dancing over there but I think she is high, look at her eyes." Xander does what I say and his eyes widen.

"Fuck Xanth why did you do this to yourself?"

"I wanted the voices gone, I was in so much pain. The pain is gone now but I see elephants and trolls now." Xander and I look at each other and try not to laugh.

"Okay Xanth lets get you home."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

okay super short update but I am thinking of adding more so keep watch.

I hope you like this story and those who are reading don't hate my mistakes too much!

ily Jess x

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