9. accepted by a mate and in denial of a date

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- Ashton -

The car ride consisted of Xander driving and me trying to keep Xanthey in her seat belt in the back. She wanted to surf the car like a surfboard and catch some gnarly waves. She was still high as fuck from whatever drugs she had been taking.

"Ashy I'm tired. I'm going to take a nap, I'm going to take a nap right here." She prodded my thigh with her finger. She placed her head where she prodded and closed her eyes. "Good night."

"Good night Xanthey." I brushed the hair out of her eyes. She was was beautiful. Xanthey is beautiful in a way that most people don't see. She has perfect skin, she doesn't have any freckles or marks, its completely clear and pure. Her hair is like dull gold after its been dug from the ground, her eyes are bright and full of wander and light. She is just perfect in every way, well to me she is.

"You have to tell her you like her." My hand freezes and hovers just above Xanthey's cheek.

"W-what do you mean, I don't like Xanthey. She is your sister dude." My cheeks start to blush. I like Xanthey but I'm not going to tell him that.

"Oh please, I'm not blind. I see the way you look at her, its not the look guys give hot girls, its the look my dad gives my mum. You give her adoring looks."

"That sounds so gay bro."

"What I'm trying to say is you don't look at my sister like a piece of meat. I'm trying to give you my permission to date my sister."

"How do you even know that your sister wants to date me, have you considered that?"

"Dude she fumbles like a dork when you're around and she makes lame jokes because she is nervous and she stares at you like all the time... You may not see it that's because she stares at you when you're not looking. Its kind of annoying watching you guys and you don't just say you like each other."

"What about Bree?" Xander sighs, I know she is the main reason Xanthey doesn't talk to me, especially at school.

"I trust you to take care of her and do everything and anything you can to protect her."

"I really like her Xander." I look down at the girl sleeping on my lap. I really like this girl and I want to adore her in every way possible. I want her to be my girl.

"I know you do Ash, I know."

We get to Xanthey's house and I carry her up to her room. Xander offered for me to sleep at his house and I kindly accepted. That way in the morning I could look after Xanthey and make sure she is okay.

I place her on her bed and pull over the covers. She stirs a little and I try not to touch her too much but I can't help touching her cheek and her hair. I reach down and pick up her wrist carefully. I see the red cut on her perfect skin and it takes all of me not to cry. It pains me to see she would do something like this. I place a delicate kiss on her wrist and put it back in its original position. I bend down to her cheek and kiss it. I bend further to her ear.

"I think I love you Xanthey Hillford"

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its short but who cares that was cute af.

The next chapter will be 100 times better but I knew that if I added that part to this chapter it would be 200 years long.

ily Jess x

Hiding // a.i.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora