3. needing bibs and calling dibs

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- Xanthey -

It was monday and its safe to say I am scared as heck to come to school. I had made the stupid decision of dancing at party and now people know how bad at I am at dancing. Its like watching a fish out of water flapping around. Since taking in two steps through the front doors of school everyone was staring at me. Some people even waved. Why are people waving, do I know these people. Am i naked? Is that why people are looking at me? If this was a normal day I could literally walk through school naked and nobody would even glance at me. Why is today different? I have a feeling today is going to be eventful. 

"Hey Xanthey" It was Luke looking happy to see me. Why was he even talking to me? 

"Hi Luke." I awkwardly looked at people standing with the eye fixed to me and Luke walking past. Can I go back to being hidden I don't like people looking at me like I'm animal at the zoo. "How do you deal with people staring at you all the time?" I glanced at Luke and he ran his fingers through his gravity defying hair. 

"Well like you pointed out when we met, I'm taller than most of the population so all I see is the tops of people's heads." I giggled a little knowing that Luke finds it uncomfortable when people stare at him but he is trying to play cool. He is such a dork. 

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I managed to get through 3 classes with only a few glances my way. We have reached english and what can I say its the mmost interesting class I have. My brother and all the boys are in my class plus stupid Sally but she is usually painting her nails or scrolling through her camera roll editing photos and taking selfies. 

Mr. Rodgers is the coolest teacher ever. He treats our class like people and not students, well he treats Sally like a 3 year old because she has the IQ of one. I am sorry but the girl is pretty dumb, she asked what Jesus' last name was. Its safe to say I face palmed in real life and wanted to crawl under the desk. 

"Now kiddies we have a project coming up and it has to be done in pairs. Harry put your hand down because you can't choose your partner. I have put all your names into this snazzy hat and you have to pick out a name and that will be your partner. No swapping because I am writing down every pair. Got it? Good, lets get started." Mr. Rodgers walked around the room starting from the back, my brother read out Ashton's name and they seemed pretty happy being together. 

Michael put his hand into the hat and took out a piece of paper and unfolded it. "Ex-an-the-ee? Is that even a name Mr. Rodgers?" I started to laugh because everyone gets my name wrong. I turn around and look at Michael who looked confused with his partner. 

"Its Xanthey. The X is pronouced like a Z. Its like Xanders name Michael." I smile at him to reassure him it was okay he got my name wrong, its a common occurence. 

"Ohh that makes sence. Sweet Xanthey you're my new study buddy!" Michael seemed happy with me being his partner and I was happy I got him as well. Least the project won't be as boring. I glanced over at Ashton who was staring at me. I nervously smiled at him and he giggled like a little girl. Did I just make a guy giggle? In the corner of my eye I saw Sally glaring at me like I just bagged out Kim Kardashian for not being prettier than Beyonce. I shrugged it off and started to make a plan for my project with Michael. 

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School was done for the day and I was ready to get home and start to watch Community to get some humour into my day. I was just about to get to my locker when someone pushed me to the ground. 

"What the heck?" I lifted my head to see Bree and her minions standing above me. 

"Shut up loser! How are you even friends with Ashton? I can take you innocently dancing with him like an idiot at a party but smiling at him and even making an effort to be his friend is not acceptable." If looks could kills I would sure be at the worlds core. 

"You can't tell me who I can't and can be friends with Bree." I found some confidence even thought I could feel my knees starting to shake. 

"Oh but I can. Ashton is mine. I called dibs on him first. Stay away from him or things are going to get ugly you little skank" Her face was sour like a lemon. She grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me into a dark room. Jo threw in my bag and it hit me in the face. The last thing I heard was the evil laughter of the three girls and then there was nothing but darkness. 

I had been thrown into the supply cupboard. Inside you will find your usual extra notebooks and textbooks and paper and all the crap nobody cares about. I shove my hand into my pocket to retrieve my phone to put on my torchlight. I find the lightswitch next to the door and I flick it on. Of course I would be the person to be locked inside the supply cupboard. I know I'm locked in as I heard the lock being turned. Great. 

Thankfully I had recieption and called my brother. "Hey Xander." 

"Whats up Xanth?" 

"I am stuck in the supply closet on the second floor can you come and get me out?" I heard laughter on the other end.

"You're such a dork. I'm coming dummy." 

I waited 10 minutes before my brother arrived. I knew he would ask a billion questions so I am going to make a story about how I accidently thought the cupboard was a classroom and someone thought it would be funny to lock me in here and I was unsure who it was. Yep that would work. I sure hope Xander takes it because I'm not ready to tell him about getting bullied by the biggest bitch ever. 

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lols yey chapter 3 is now complete

idk why i do these a/n because nobody even reads this fanfic ah well hi to the people who do

don't forget to comment and whatever i want to know what you think of the story. It is going to get more juicy and interesting later i promise i am working to the climax of the build up

ily Jess x

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