The Return

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"Is there any meat left?" Luhan asked as soon as they got inside. The other members were in the rooms, probably passed out, and Luhan wanted to join them, but when his stomach growled, he decided that he'll have a light snack first.

Sehun scoffed. "Is food always on your mind? Heck, you probably love it more than you love me."

Luhan smiled. "That's not true."

"Which part?"

"I don't always have food on my mind."

"So you do love food more than me," Sehun accused, glaring at his boyfriend.

"You're a close second though, Sehun-ah," Luhan said, playfully sticking his tongue out. "That's still pretty special."

"Special my as--"

"Hongki, what's wrong?" The president's voice can be heard from the kitchen.

Luhan and Sehun walked in to find the two of them standing there. The president had worry etched all over her face. And who could blame her? The desperation in Hongki's eyes was somewhat unsettling, not to mention the boy was holding onto her wrist with both hands, as though he refuses to let her go.

Too absorbed in what's happening, they didn't even notice Luhan and Sehun gawking at them from the doorway.

"Are you okay?" the president asked when Hongki didn't answer her first question.

Hongki, who still had a grip on her wrist, shook his head. "I'm fine. It's just--"

"Maybe you should go back to sleep. Your face is still red from all that alcohol."

He shook his head again, but this time he looked panicked, as if he wasn't sure how to go about this. "I—I want you to make me tea."

"Tea? You have an upset stomach?"

"Yea – No. I w-want you."

"To make you tea right?" She pried her wrist away from Hongki's grip and turned around to look for the box of tea. "What kind do you want?"

"Forget the tea --"

"You don't want tea? Then why did --"

Hongki suddenly grabbed both of her shoulders. "I don't want tea! At least not right now!"

"Okayyy....You're scaring me. You sure you don't want to lay down?"

Hongki nodded a bit too vigorously, something that instead of reassuring her that he was fine, scared her even more.

"I want I need to tell you something."

Luhan gasped. "He's going to tell her."

Sehun looked at Luhan with his eyebrow raised. "Tell her what?"

"Shhhh!" Luhan shushed him. His eyes were too focused on the two in front of him to notice Sehun sneering at him.

"Tell me what?" She asked him.

Hongki gulped. "I've been meaning to tell you..." He blinked multiple times, beads of sweat making their way down the side of his face.


"Uhh. Umm. I—I really um. Uh." Hongki started biting his lip, and when he couldn't look at the president straight in the eyes anymore, he turned his attention to his socks.

Luhan resisted the urge to chuckle at how nervous Hongki was acting. It's just confessing to a girl. How bad could it be? Luhan then suddenly remembered the time Sehun had confessed to him, which coincidentally also took place in a kitchen. Sehun was nervous then too, but he wasn't exactly sweating buckets either.Maybe he needs a little encouragement?

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