The Intruders

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"You know you're going to lose some, if not most, of your fangirls right?" Sehun asked as Luhan laced their fingers. The other students were staring as they made their way through campus, and Sehun was a bit surprised that it didn't bother him as much as he thought it would.

"It's fine. Having you is more important," Luhan confessed, showcasing an adorable grin.

"So you won't miss any of it? The screaming? The attention? The worshiping? The gifts?"

Luhan shook his head. "Nope....well....I am going to miss the cakes they give me, but you can always buy me some."

Sehun stopped walking and huffed. "I really can't afford to feed you. The type of cakes you like are always breaking my wallet."

"I suggest you get a job then," Luhan answered while tugging Sehun's hand, urging him to keep walking. "It would be nice if we worked together, but my boss isn't looking to hire. You can look in the newspaper – there are tons of job offers on there."

"Um. Wouldn't the simpler solution be for you to stop eating cakes?" Like seriously.

This time it was Luhan's turn to stop walking. Luhan shot him an unamused glare in response, as if Sehun had told him a horrible joke. Sehun gulped and quickly thought of a way to get out of this hole he just dug himself in.

"Ha ha ha. K-kidding. I didn't m-mean that," Sehun stutterd as he tried to maintain eye contact with the stone-faced deer.

Luhan blinked at him, lips twitching slightly.

"I'll look for a j-job. Pronto," Sehun added, giving Luhan what he hoped resembled a smile.

And that was when Luhan started laughing at him. What?

"Oh Sehun-ah! You're so cute! Why are you so scared of me? I'm not that scary."

Realizing that he was tricked, Sehun gave Luhan a "how could you?" look, to which the older boy responded with a wide grin.

"Because I can." Luhan stuck out his tongue, taking pleasure in the fact that he drives his boyfriend crazy.

Sehun rubbed his temple, repeating the words "stress" and "worst boyfriend ever" as he did so. Luhan merely gave him a firm pat on the back.

"What happened to the Sehun that told me he loves me so much?" Luhan teased.

"He no longer exists," Sehun quipped.

Luhan raised a brow. "Oh really?"

"Yes. Really."

"Well, I guess that means I'm single again. Hmm. Maybe I should go to that party I was invited to –"


Luhan chuckled and pinched his cheeks. "He's back."

Sehun felt that a headache was inevitable.


"Sehun-ah? Where are you?" Luhan's groggy voice can be heard throughout the house.

Feeling extremely exhausted from his first day of classes, Luhan opted for a short nap as soon as they got home. Expecting to see Sehun when he woke up, Luhan was a tad bit disappointed that his boyfriend didn't stay in the room with him. What if he had nightmares or something? What if someone came in through the window and –

"I'm in the living room!" Sehun shouted, his voice breaking Luhan out of his reverie.

Lazily making his way downstairs, he spotted his boyfriend sitting on the white couch with a newspaper on his lap, while Xiumin and Tao were watching Kung Fu Panda (Tao's favorite movie).

All I Care AboutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora