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3days later
Lexis p.o.v
It has been 3 days since my suspension and three days since I got hit by beau . I knew beau didn't mean to hit me but there was no reason he had to hit his own brother.

everyone was out because the boys had  a janoskians meeting so I decided to stay home . I was really bored and had no idea what to do  but then a thought came to my mind  why don't I make a YouTube channel yes that was a great Idea .

I grabbed my phone going into the YouTube app hmmmmmm a YouTube name lexisbloggerlife perfect I thought to my self I finished confirming my account and before I knew it I have a YouTube channel!!!

Once I had finished I decided to  film a video

hey guys lexi here " (I say doing a little salute )
So I guess for my first video I will tell you a bit about myself and show you around I guess  I should start now

Well hello my name is lexi lanyer   Im 17 I'm from New Zealand and I lived with my mum Anna but now I live in Melbourne with my god mother  and her sons

I moved to Melbourne because I got excepted into mda which is s big performance school oh and that's what I forgot to mention I love to dance and sing yeah
Oh and For this channel I will be posting things about what I do every day and I will also do challenges and stuff like that so yeah  I guess that's about it for this Video

So I guess until next time keep cool (I say giving a  salute )

When I finished it I took my time to edit it before posting it soon after that I  started all new social medias like Facebook Instagram and Twitter to go with my YouTube channel

I followed all of the boys and a few other celebrities  before posting a link to my video  on Twitter

Hey guys it's lexi and i want everyone to know that this is the link to my new video.   Youtubemdjdjj,.36:74849.....

I clicked tweet and I was about to lock my phone until I got 2 notifications on Twitter and 1 on Facebook and Instagram wow that's weird

I checked Twitter first and its say that jai had  followed me  and mentioned me in a tweet
Go follow @lexisbloggerlife and go give her videos a watch 😆

A small smile appears on my face and then I get a dm and it was from jai

Jai: are you that bored you have to start a YouTube channel 😂xx (23secs
Me: yep I'm lonely and bored so then  I decided I would make a  channel 😆xx

Jai : awe poor baby  I can keep you company now but maybe on the bright you could  collab with those sexy janoskians 😁xx

Me: the janoskians are anything but sexy😂xx

Jai: pshhhhh janoskians are  so sexy they make your mouth drool😂👅💦

Me: oh really now😏

Jai:😏yep  you especially drool over that one called Jai

Me: in your dreams boy and Any way I think I'm more in the Luke lane 😏😉

Jai: I can tell your lying your a Jai girl all da way

Before I could replay my phone started buzzing  I looked down and it was beau me and him haven't talked since the incident but i guess it was time cause I do still like beau and we are together after all .
Me: hey beau
B: hey I'm so sorry for the other day
Me: I know you didn't beau but just tell me why you hit Luke
B: ahh well
Me: what ever bye beau" I was about to hang up but before I could beau spoke up
B: no I will tell you Luke told me  I took things to far by saying I love you
Me: it was a  bit of a shock
B: OMG I'm so sorry I promise I will make it up to you babe
Me: beau you don't have to
B:babe I want to make it up to you and I'm going to tomorrow night
Me: ok" I said with a huge grin on my face
B: ok
Me: so where are you
B: I'm at a mates house
Me: oh I thought we could of spent some time together
B: sorry babe I haven't seen my friend in ages but i promise we will spend all day together tomorrow
And with that we ended our phone call I was a bit disappointed I did want to spend time with beau but I did have to understand he was busy . Suddenly I got another message from Jai

Jai: hey you still there

Me:hey yeah sorry was on the phone to beau😕

Jai: is something wrong???

Me: oh it's just I wanted to hang out with beau but he is busy with a mate

Jai: oh yeah we just dropped him off there hey if you have nothing to do um do you maybe wanna come and hang out with me

Me: OFCOURSE!!!!! I mean I would love to😳

Jai:your such a cutie " jais comment brought butterflies to my stomach omg wait I can't feel this way I have a boyfriend

Me:nah im not

But before I could press send there was a knock at the who could that be It couldn't be Jai already could it

I walked over to the door opening it slowly and I saw some one I really didn't want to see

Did you miss me lexi...

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