Party drama!

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JAI's p.o.v

To find Lexi half undressed being pushed against the wall by a big huge guy .


I walked up to the bathroom but i got stopped In my path by a very huge drunk guy.

G: hey babe" he slurs while leaving. sloppy kisses upon my neck

Me: um please stop" I tried to struggle from his his grip but he pushed me against the door so I couldn't escaped.

He then pulled my shirt off and I felt tears coming to my eyes I screamed out a couple of times but he then covers my mouth so no one could here me . He then slowly started pulling my pants down which cause tears to come even faster but before he could make another move I felt my self pushed Into a corner I didn't want to open my eyes so I just crawled into the corner and cried "

I then felt some one rest the arm on my shoulder I was so scared that I shook it off .

Me: get off of me leave me alone "

I then heard a familiar voice reply.

J : shh lex its me I won't let the guy hurt you "

My eyes quickly jolted open to see Jai there with a very concerned look before another word was spoken I leaped into JAI's arms and bursted into tears .

Me: Jai he was going to rape me "

J: I know Lexi but he didn't I will keep you safe babe " he said while gently leaving kisses on my head.

J: do you want to go home " I gave him a little nod with my head rested Jai passed me his shirt because mine had been ripped I quickly placed it on and slowly hopped up .

We didn't want to spoil any one else's fun so Jai and I just decided to walked I was so scared with whole event that the whole walk home I just kept in JAI's embrace the whole way which Jai didn't seem to mind.

We arrived home and Jai walked with me to my room and helped me into bed I was so scared to stay alone right now so I asked Jai.

Me :Jai will you stay in here with me tonight I'm scared "

J: yeah of course lex " Jai then climbed into bed next to me and he wrapped his arms around my waist "

I then couldn't hold back the tears anymore Jai embraced me in a tighter hug and I placed my head on his shoulder

Me: Jai I'm scared "

J: I know babe I just wish I could of got to you sooner" he then placed a few kisses on my forehead which seemed to calm me down i then felt my eyes getting very droopy which Jai could see.

J: go to sleep beautiful I will keep you safe " he said while leaving one more peaceful kiss on my forehead Before I knew it I was asleep


JAI's p.o.v

I had awoken to see Lexi peacefully sleeping beside me while holding my arm in a tight embrace which I didn't mind cause I thought it was cute. I then remembered the events from last night I was so glad I had found Lexi when I did because if I hadnt this beautiful girl could of got hurt.

Lexi had hair in her face so I softly pushed it behind her ear with my free and she stirred and she then softly fluttered her eyes open and our eyes met.

J: morning beautiful " I said before leaving a quick soft kiss on her forehead

Lex: morning " she says while slowly getting up and while having the embrace of my arm"

J: how did you sleep "

Lexi: yeah alright thanks for last night Jai"

J:it ok I won't Let anyone ever hurt you "I told her then bringing her into a warming hug

Lex: Jai can we just keep what happened last night between us"

J : yeah of course beautiful "

We then both decided to to head down and get breakfast and we found that no one was home we then found a note tapped to the fridge "

Dear Jai mum and Lexi

Hey me and beau decided to take Chelsea out to show her around we should be back around 4:00

From Luke beau and Chelsea

J: well we have the whole house to ourselves what should we do "

Lex:hmmmm can we bake some muffins "

J: yeah Sure lets go get everything "


We were in the middle of making cupcakes when I got a mouth full of flour and I turned to Lexi giving me a smirk.

L : oops

I then grabbed a handful of the cake mixture and threw it at her

Me: oops it slipped " I then picked up a handful of flour but before I could throw it she ran off out of the kitchen so I quickly chased after her .

I made my way into the lounge and she was no where to be seen I then felt her jump on to back which caused me to drop the flour and both of us to fall into fits of laughter.

I then grabbed her from off my back and carried her bridal style over to the couch and I started softly tickling her and she got fits of laughter.


I then lifted myself so I was straddling her and I kept on tickling her. After about 10 minutes of tickling we just sat there staring into each other's eyes and then my eyes made there way down to her lips . At this moment all I wanted to do was kiss this girls beautiful lips I then finally decided to make my move I slowly leaned down and she surely lifted her self and lent her self up with her elbows and before I knew it our lips were connected.

My tummy was exploding with fire works the kiss felt so magical and felt so right I never wanted it to end I then wanted to pull her closer so I wrapped my arms around her waist and continued the kiss she then placed her hands in my hair and tugged it lightly which drove me wild.

I then licked her bottom lip asking for entrance which she surely let me I then continued the kiss with our tongues and continued the kiss eagerly it was getting more and more heated by the minute until *KNOCK KNOCK

LEXI'S p.o.v

Jai had gotten up off of me and went to answer the door and I just sat there with a big huge grin on my face I had just had a make out session with Jai and it felt amazing it felt like our lips were meant to be I then decided to go see who was at the door when I saw who it was I quickly stopped in my path and fear started to wash over me it it was Emily......

With out another thought I quickly ran up to my room and Jai and Emily both looked in my direction but I didn't look back I just ran straight to my room and shut my door and slowly slid down the door with tears bursting out of my eyes after mine and JAI's moment I Finally realised that I do have feelings for Jai but that these feelings could never be because if Emily ever found out I would be dead literally.

Fuck what am I gonna do

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