Chapter 28

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I woke up laying next to my beautiful girl friend a thought then suddenly came to my head today is our three month anniversary a huge grin came upon my face today was the day I had spent 3amazing months with this amazing girl.

Chelsea stirs a little bit so I take this chance to leave a few short kisses kisses on her lips after I had done that a smile appears on her face that's when I knew she was awake.

Me: morning gorgeous
C: morning
Me:happy anniversary bub " I say wrapping my arms around her waist
C: happy anniversary babe" she then turns around wrapping her arms around my neck
Me: I have enjoyed every last moment with you and I can't wait to spend so much more with you
C: awe Luke" she slowly leans in and gives me a peck on the lips but before she could pull away I wrapped my arms around her waist tighter continuing the kiss
Me: I-love-you " I say between kisses
C: I-love-you-to" I then quickly hoped out of bed and I turned to Chelsea giving me a confused look"

Me: go get ready I have the day all planned out
C: ok what do I wear
Me: wear your swimmers but bring a pair of nice clothes for later

Chelsea and I were In the car heading to our first destination I had planned which was a picnic at the beach . I covered Chelsea's eyes and led her to the special place I had set out.
Me: ready
C: yep" i soon uncovered her eyes and I heard a gasp come from her mouth
C:Luke its beautiful you didn't have to do this"
Me: well babe this is only the beginning and I wanted to do this for my amazing girl". A cheesy grin came upon my face and one appears on her face .
C: I love you Luke so much
Me: I love you so much to" Chelsea the comes closer to me and wraps her hands around my neck and she starts to lean in and I then found myself leaning in as well while wrapping my arms around her waist and before I knew it she was kissing me and I couldn't help my self by kissing back .

Chelsea then moves her hands to my hair and softly pulls at it I then softly bite her bottom lips asking her for entrance but before we continued we heard awes coming from behind us .we soon pulled to see an elderly couple admiring us.

Lillian: frank look at that cute couple
Frank: yeah lil they are very cute

Lillian: so young man is This your wife" I was about to speak until frank beat me to it
Frank: lil you can't go round asking that
Lilian: why I just wanna know frank

Me: well no she isn't my wife this is my lovely girlfriend and we re celebrating our 3 month anniversary but maybe one day she will be my wife " I thought came to my mind yeah I did want Chelsea to be my wife and maybe one day I will ask her .

Lillian:well we won't bother you anymore enjoy the rest of the day
C:thank you" Chelsea smiles at her and the turns and smiles at me
Me: well that was cute"
C: yeah it was" she says before giving me a quick peck on the lips
Me: well I'm gonna go get an icecream do you want one ." I say while leaving a quick kiss on her nose.
C: yes please you know my favourite "
Me: ok I will be back soon " I say while leaving on last peck on her lips before I went to the shop"

Today is Mine and Luke's anniversary and at the moment we were at the beach Luke had gone to buy us an ice cream so while I waited I laid on my towel and decided to tan for a bit.
I had been laying down for a couple of minutes until someone came in front of me blocking the sun.
The person the gave me a flirtatious wolf whistle "

Me: um may i help you " I say staring up at a very tall guy with blonde hair
Guy: I just thought I would accompany you so your not alone
Me: well I'm not alone I'm here with my..." But before I could speak the guy spoke over me
Guy: babe you don't have to lie "
Me: you think I'm lying
Guy: yeah babe " I got quite pissed off at the guy I quickly turned my head to see Luke coming our way a smirk then appeared on my face
Me: will you excuse me for a minute " the guy just nodded and I made my way over to Luke
L: hey babe here's your" but before he could continue I smashed our lips together at first Luke was shocked which caused him to drop the ice creams but soon after he happily kissed back I then placed my hands in Luke's hair and I lightly tugged at it causing him to groan.
I then pulled my self away from Lukes lips and reattached them to Lukes neck I left a few short kisses on Lukes sweet spot causing him to grown even louder

L: b -babe w-what are you doing " I pulled away slowly looking down to our space to see the guy looking out to the ocean and he hadn't see anything that just happened

L: babe " he says while giving me a confused look
Me: see that guy down there " I say pointing
L: yeah
Me: well I was sitting down and he came over to me sitting with me and he told me he didn't like seeing me alone and I told him I wasn't and he told me to stop lying so I wanted to prove him wrong but he didn't see it"

L: awe baby just don't worry about him I'm gonna go get our stuff then we have to go to our next surprise"
Me: ok I will wait here
L: ok


Luke had taken me to the movies and we went and saw pitch perfect two and he was cool but most of the time Luke was trying to distract me from the movie so I didn't see most off it.

Me: babe this has been the best day ever

L: well it's not over yet there is one more special surprise
Me: lukeeee you have already done so much
L: I know but i just want to show you how much I love you

Luke pulled the car up and a gasp escaped my mouth
Me:Luke its beautiful
L:just like you

Luke then walked us into the restaurant and we were escorted to our table and Luke was such a gentle man

L: malady " he says while pulling my chair
Me: your such a gentleman Luke" I say giving him a grim
L: only for you babe" Luke then placed his hand over the table and I placed my and intertwined my hand with his

C: I love you Luke
L: I love you to babe"

1hour later

We had just finished our amazing meal and we were in the car about to head home but instead of going home Luke went to a very fancy hotel

C: Luke what are we doing here
L: I thought we could have some privacy tonight " I looked over to Luke and he had a smirk on his face.

We walked to our room Luke at booked and it was gorgeous
C: Luke its Beautiful
L: I wanted everything to be perfect " I walked over to Luke and wrapped my arms around his neck
Me: babe this day has been nothing but perfect and I'm so glad I got to spend it with you" I softly pushed luke to the door and kissed him hungrily and Luke did as well

L: jump " I did what he said and wrapped my legs around his torso and continued the kiss Luke then placed me on the bed

And then one this led to another if you get what I mean ....😉

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