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Today lexi had to go back to school today so I woke up extra early to make her a special breakfast.

I placed all the food on a tray and  I picked it up heading for lexis room but when I got there I found a still sleeping lexi a small snort escaped my mouth lexi looked so cute sleeping and I couldn't believe I could call this girl mine.

I placed the food on the side table and started caressing Lexis cheek with my pointer finger. I did the same thing for a few minutes until I heard a small groan escape her mouth but she still was asleep  I let out a small laugh and then another idea came to my head.

I slowly leaned my head down to lexis neck Leaving a few short kisses on her neck I saw a small smile appears on her face and that's when I know she's awake.

Me: morning Bub
L: morning " her eyes flutters open revealing her beautiful blue orbs
Me: you have school today "
L: agh don't remind me
Me: don't you wanna go back
L:  I don't want Emily starting rumours again " she says looking down to the floor but I soon use my finger to make her look into my eyes
Me: you don't need to worry about her ok if she says anything I will beat the shit out off her" a small smile appears on her face and soon after I had a smile as week and before I  knew it we both were leaning in connecting our lips  the kiss got heated and I soon was changing my position to make myself straddling her but I knew I should stop while I can control myself.

ME: eat you breakfast and get ready ok "
L : ok thanks for breakfast babe

20 minutes later
I was waiting for lexi in the kitchen I suddenly heard foot steps trouping down the stairs.
L: hey beau how do I look" she says looking into my eyes
Me: babe you look beautiful
L: you sure
Me: positive ok wait here I will get the keys
L: oh um beau I was going to walk
Me: oh what I'm not good enough to drive my own girlfriend to school
L: no beau it's just
Me: it's just what lexi you think I'm a disgrace or I'm not good enough for you"
L: no beau I don't think that
Me: it doesn't look like that" hurt filled in lexis eyes and I had just realised what I said  I walked up to her trying to hug her but she wouldn't let me

Me: babe I didn't mean that
L: yeah sure you didn't " with that lexi stormed out of the house I couldn't believe what I had just said I punched the door with anger I just fucked up so bad  tears started to flow from eyes   I didn't deserve lexi    I just hope she would give me another chance

I walked into the kitchen still so angry with myself I picked the closest thing to me which happened to be a glass and I chucked it at the closest wall .

I had to make it up to lexi I just didn't know how


It had nearly been a whole day at school and I was in a very shitty mood because of what happened this morning

I was so furious at beau but at the same  I was so upset with me myself the reason I didn't want beau to drop me off was because I didn't want him to get hurt  if Emily did find out she would do anything in her powers to hurt me and then beau.

I was in 6th period when my phone suddenly started buzzing twice
I checked the first one was from mum

Hey baby girl I know you at school but I thought you should know this but I had to go back to New Zealand cause your nonna needed me I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye  :(
I did feel bad cause I couldn't say good bye but if she had to go she had to go
I quickly replied to her saying it was ok and I will talk to her later and when I finished  I checked the second message

Bub I'm so sorry I didn't mean what I said

I looked at the message for a few minutes and I did feel  bad so I decided to reply but before I could the teacher caught me

T: miss lexi phones are not permitted in class
Me: sorry " I  quickly tucked my phone away this will just have to wait till I get home .

1hour later
I had arrived home to an empty house or at least that's what I thought I looked all around the house and I then heard a sudden sobbing coming from beaus room.

Me:beau" beau then stood up from a corner in his room and his eyes were red raw from crying
B: OMG lexi babe I'm so sorry for what i said I didn't mean it " beau kept mumbling on I tried to get him to stop but he kept mumbling on so I did the only thing that I knew would calm him down I cupped his face looking into his eyes and connecting our lips .

While in the kiss I could feel beau relax under my touch and when he was fully calm I brung myself to pull away still leaving our foreheads connected and my hands still cupping beaus face.

B: Bub I'm so sorry
Me : it's ok beau I know you didn't mean it and I'm sorry too
B:you don't need to apologise
Me: I do I didn't give you an explanation I'm just scared I  will get hurt again by Emily and I especially don't want you to get hurt" I looked down to the ground with tears bridging in my eyes
B: lexi listen here I won't let Emily hurt you again understand " i gave him a little nod still looking down at the ground but before I knew it I was looking into beaus eyes and beau was leaning in and I leant in as well and before I knew it our lips were connected .we were in a mid kiss when we heard some one hell from beside us

J: what the fuck is going on here" we both turned away to see a very  angry looking Jai

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