Puppy Therapy-Cruella De Vil

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AN: This was a request for a one shot that isn't romantic, but a silly one. It was made by one of my closes friends, but unfortunatly he doesn't have a Wattpad.

Narrator P.O.V

Cruella De Vil was at last defeated, and taken to a Mental Institution. The owners of the puppies requested that she got a special type of therapy and the doctors agreed to it with a laugh.

Cruella De Vil P.O.V

"But, what about my fur coat! I just wanted a fashionable coat to wear darling, I didn't mean to cause anyone harm." I said to the guard. "Come with us Cruella, it's time for your therapy." The guards said to me with a laugh. Why are they laughing? They think my troubles are funny? I only did this for fashion. Suddenly, they put me in a big white room and closed the door. What kind of therapy is this? That's when the door opened again and a bunch of dalmation puppies came running in and jumped on me,  causing me to fall on my back. The puppies licked and licked my face, causing me to laugh. "Oh you adorable creatures! I love you so much! I still wish to make a coat out of your perfect fur, but I can't! Oh please make it stop! Why can't you stop you mutts?! Get off of me you filthy beasts!"

Doctor's P.O.V

"Well that was good payback." I said with a laugh. "She really did escalate the requests she made to the puppies quickly didn't she?" My assitant said.

AN: I know this one is short, but I hope you love it! Cruella is one of my favorite disney villains, and she is still available for a romantic one shot -Hades is too-!

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