Captain America x Reader-Valentine's Day

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Your P.O.V
I walked into the restaurant, about a few minutes late for my date. I saw Steve standing by a table. He smiled and waved at me. I walked over to him. "You look amazing, y/n." He said with a smile as he pulled the chair out for me. "Thank you Steve!" I said as I sat down at the table. He sat down across from me. "Happy Valentine's Day." He said. "Happy Valentine's Day!" I said, pulling out a gift bag. He took it and pulled out the teddy bear I got him. "Aww it is so cute!" He said with a cute smile. That is when our food got there. We ate and just talked. We have been together for a year now, it was our anniversary and we couldn't have been happier. Soon, we were done with our food. I got up to leave, but he stopped me. "Wait, there is something I want to ask you." He stood up with me, taking my hands. "We have been going out for nearly a year now, and it has been the best year of my life. I love you. So much. Will you marry me?" He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. Everyone in the restaurant looked at us with big smiles. I gasped and smiled, tears forming in my eyes. "Yes Steve yes!" I said, smiling. He put the ring on my finger and stood up, kissing me.
AN: Happy Valentine's Day readers!

Fandom Oneshots! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें