Nerf Herder-Han SoloxPrincess!Cece

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AN: Look at this christmas card of a picture! @MusicMoviesLover requested this

Cece's P.O.V

"Hey Princess! How many times do I have to tell you not to touch that?" I rolled my eyes as I turned around and saw the one and only Han Solo walking towards me, looking really cute. However, he was getting on my last nerve. "And how many times do I have to tell you to talk to me with a bit more respect? I'm not some girl you find on the side of the street! I am a princess!" I yelled at him for like the 15th time since I was rescued by him, Chewbacca, and Luke. Which was not even an hour ago. "Oh my bad your highness! Please princess, stop touching that." He said with a laugh and a sarcastic tone. I sighed and turned back around. Han walked out.

Han Solo's P.O.V

I walked back to the cockpit where I found Chewie looking at me weird. "What?" I asked. He growled at me. "No, I don't like her!" I said, with a bit more fakeness then I wanted. He growled again. "Ok maybe I do like her a little bit." I said. "Ooooooo Han's got a girlfriend!" Luke said. "Oh shut up!" Chewie growled. "He's right, she has been through a lot, she could use a nice night out." Luke said. "You can understand him?" I ask. "Just bits and pieces he isn't wrong though." "Fine. I'll do it. Only to make her happy though."

Cece's P.O.V *timeskip*

Why are we landing? I stood up and went into the cockpit. "Why are we landing?" I asked. "Because princess, I'm taking you on a date." Han said. I began to blush. "What....why?" I asked with a blush. "Because I know you've been having a rough time, so I've decided to do something nice for you. No take backs, just think of it as a nice way of saying your welcome." He smiled, but still had a ping of sarcasm in his tone. "Ok, let's go." I said. He took my hand and lead me out of the Millenium Falcon, taking me to a really nice restraunt. We ate and talked for a little bit and began to walk back to the Millenium Falcon, hand in hand. "You know, you aren't that bad." I said. "At what?" He asked. "Taking a girl out." He smiled at me. He looked at me and kissed me on the lips. "I love you Brittney." He said. "I know, you nerf herder." I said with a smile.

*Time skip to a few months later*

I went into the cockpit and found Han by himself. "Hey Han, you wanted to see me?" I asked. "Yeah, can we talk?" He asked. "Of course." I sat down in the chair next to him. He stood up. "I'm not really good at speeches, but I do know that I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side, my princess. Will you marry me?" He asked as he got on one knee and pulled out a ring with a big white diamond. "Of course!" I said as I jumped up and hugged him and kissed him.

AN: SORRY IT'S SO SHORT, but I hope you liked it :)



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