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Willow's POV

I sit on the balcony of the mansion and stare out at the world below me. There is no longer the Capitol and different districts it is now only 'Panem'

Carter nudges me and points down to the ground below us where I see our two sweet children playing happily with each other . " there beautiful " I gasp taking to Carter and he smiles.

" just like you" he smiles and I give him a playful slap . Both of the children have my blond hair but the boy has Carters green eyes and personality and the girl has my fathers bright blue eyes .

I sit with my head pressed against Carters chest listening to his steady heart beat until it becomes bark outside and time for the children to go to bed .

" Haymitch , Annie! I shout and the children look up to the balcony " time to come in".

" The girl was fourced into a horrible place where everyone had to kill there friends and family. The girl met her night in shining armour and just knew that they both had to get out alive . The young girls and the knight were rescued by the girls parent and taken to the only safe place on the earth . The girls brother died and she was devistated but the knight cheered her up . The king found the girl ad her knight and sent them back into the horrible place with even more of the people they loved including the girl and the knights parents . The knights mother saved the young girl by dying herself and the girl was so greatful . The king was killed for all of the bad things that he had done to the kingdom and everyone lived happily ever after . "

The children yawn and I tuck them into bed . They don't know yet that the girl was me and that the night was there father but they will find out when the time is right .

" oh please mom one more time?" Haymitch wines in his 5 year old voice and Annie stares at me with her sweet innocent eyes.

" No sorry but it's bed time " I sigh and they close their eyes .

They both fall asleep and I kiss them gently on the head so not to wake them from their deep slumber. They look so innocent when they sleep like they don't know what dangers await them in life.............

A child of the star crossed lovers - After Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now