Chapter 10

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I wake up to the sound of a cannon ringing through my ears. I look over at Rye and he doesn't seem to be breathing. I run over to him and begin shaking him violently .

 " Rye come back " I shout as a tear slips down my face.

Rye's eyes flicker open and he looks confused . 

" I thought you were dead " I spit at him " You weren't breathing and a cannon went of " I sob collapsing to the ground and Rye wraps his arms around me to comfort me . Rye is obviously feeling better now from the zombie bite.

Rye sits like this for a while and then I notice that Lily isn't with us and that could have been her cannon.  " Lily , Lily where are you" I scream at the top of my lungs not caring if I attract any other tributes.

Just then Lily comes into the clearing holding 2 rabbits up by thei tails . I run over to her and embrace her in a bear hug. 

After we have finished breakfast we set off in search of other tributes so that we can get out of this faster.

We all walk silently except for Rye who stomps along behind us scaring of every bird in sight  until we finally decide to stop and have a rest. My throat has dried up so I take out my water bottle and hold it to my lips but it only has a few drops left in it. I walk away to the lake to get more water leaving the others behind at the camp site.

I get to the lake after a 10 minute walk and dunk my head straight in taking in as much water as possible . I then fill up my water bottle and put a few drops of iodine into it and then pile it into my back pack. I stand up and start to walk back to the camp sight when I am wrestled to the ground. I am on the ground with bolt from district 1 on top of me.

" Where's your little boyfriend 12?" He asks as he holds a knife up to my throat.

" I don't know . CARTER, CARTER HELP!!" I scream but Bolt pushes his knife in further making a small gash on my throat. It stings but I will not tell him where they are .  Bolt is just about to kill me when his eyes roll to the back of his head and his body goes limp. A cannon rings through the arena as I push Bolt's dead body to the side of me.

I stand up and there is Carter and Lily . Carter is frowning and Lily is gently crying.

" W-Where's - Ry-Rye?" I stutter and Carter points back to the campsite .

" We came when we heard you scream , Willow he hasn't go long left " Carter sighs and I burst out in tears. I pick up my back pack and take off running to where Rye is . I trip over a few logs and roots along the way because my vision is blurred from crying so much. 

I burst into our campsite and find Rye lying on the ground clutching his chest with a knife sticking out of it . 

" I can fix this " I say pulling the first aid kit out of my pack . I get a good grip on the knife and tel him that this might hurt a little . 1 2 3 pull , Rye grunts as I pull out the knife but tells me to carry on. Fresh red blood starts flowing from his wound as soon as I take out the knife. I take the bandages out of the first aid kit and wrap them tightly around  Rye's chest stopping some of the bleeding.

After about 10 minutes Rye passes out from blood loss and I stand up to see that Carter looks a little happier and Lily has stopped crying.

" Who did this , I'll kill you!" I scream while taking out my knife.

" Go then , Kill me" Lily sighs and I drop my knife confused.

" Willow , Lily and me were sitting at camp and Rye went to collect some berries. We heard a rustle in the bushes and Lily flung her knife hitting Rye . She didn't know it was him though or she wouldn't have done it" Carter sighs explaining everything and Lily collapses to the ground muttering words to herself. I walk over to her slowly and scoop her up in my arms whispering reassuring words to her.

After a while of this Lily falls asleep in my arms and I set her down in the sleeping bag , in the tent. Carter carries Rye into the tent as well so that we are sitting alone out in the fresh air . I sit close to Carter and rest my head on his chest listening to his steady heart beat , which soothes me.

" Are your mom and dad as crazy as mine?" I ask him in a whisper.

" Well me mom constantly has breakdowns and my dad is never around so probably worst, whats up with your parents ?" He asks staring at the sky . 

" Well my mom is always hunting and my dad is constantly baking so we are left to do everything in the house, including raise Lily" I sigh as something jumps out from beside us.

They look like small dragons except instead of 2 eyes they have 4 , 2 on the front of their head an 2 on the back of their head.  There are 3 of them 1 attacks me and the others attack Carter , I take out my knife and throw it right into the dragons heart.  I look over at Carter and see him losing the battle. I take out another knife and fling it pinning one of the dragons to a tree by its neck , killing it. I look back over at Carter and see that he has killed the last dragon.

After the battle with dragons me and Carter are exhausted so we lie down on the floor and stare up at the sky and the death count appears. the only people who died today were ;

Bolt , district 1 , age 17 and

Barley , district 9 , age 13 ( aw he died so young :(  KILL the Capitol! )        

A cannon goes off and I look over at Rye. His blood has turned to a goopey mess and his eyes have rolled to the back of his head. 

" NOOOO " I scream as I collapse down beside him.

I lie down and Rye turns into Carter , he begins shouting my name and I open my eyes.

" HMMM?"  I say and the words come out muffled.

" It's your turn to keep watch " He tells me as he closes his eyes.

Everyone looks so peaceful when they are sleeping , like they don't even no where they are and they forget all about the cruel Capitol and killing Innocent children.

A/N - ohhhhhh! I have a question for you do you think Rye will survive??? O.O 

I think my next chapter will be in Katniss' point of view so that you can see what she is thinking having all her children ripped away from her and what snow is doing to her , you wont expect what happens next , heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh! 

Vote and comment telling me how I did !!! :D

Emma xxx





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A child of the star crossed lovers - After Hunger Gamesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن