Chapter 12: What's Wrong With Katy??

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A/N- Even if you read the first version of this chapter, you need to read this chapter. A lot of changes were made.


Katy's POV:

No... No... No... NO!

No boys!! Dear lord Janie! I swear, we're here a half an hour and she's already flirting!

I swear, boys are the root to her problems. Well, people in general I suppose.

She was either 'not good enough for anyone' or 'boys treated her like crap'.

How do I know, if after the two or three weeks we stay here, Janie and Aiden start dating? What if he breaks her heart, like Janie's past two boyfriends? What if she- I can't even say it.

Then, she walks out with Shannon!! 'Let go of her leash'? What?? I'm not treating her like she's 10!! But I'm not gunna' treat her like my age, she's not even 18 yet, let alone 26!!

Puh-lease Janie, act your age!! Then Shannon takes her side.. I don't even know anymore.

In the middle of my thoughts, I heard a phone go off. But it wasn't mine. Janie's.

I walked over to look at it.

Message from: Shan :P

Hey girl, if you haven't noticed, Janie left her phone so if you need to get a hold of us, call me!


I rolled my eyes and slid the arrow across the screen.



Incorrect passcode


After many tries and multiple times disabling her phone, I tried on more thing...


My birthday, October 25th

It unlocked. Aww..

I went to her messages and replied:

To Shan :P

Ok whatever.

What? I still have to act ticked at them.

 Right before I locked it again, something caught my eye. A conversation between Danni and Janie..

Danni: Hey girl! Miss you!!

Janie: Hi

Danni: What's wrong, you never just say hi..

Janie: Nothing

Danni: Janie...

Janie: Fine.. You know how that rumor started about me being emo?

Oh great...

Danni: Ya..

Janie: And you know how Katy started it?

Danni: Yes,

Janie: I don't really know, how much I can... trust her anymore..

Wait... Janie no...

Danni: Come on Janie, she loves you she treats you like her own, don't let this little thing get in the way of your relationship

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