Chapter 9: Janie's Competition

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"Lengthen Janie, breath, you can do better than that!" She stopped the music and frowned at me. "Janie, you go on stage in a hour, you need to focus!"

Honestly, I couldn't focus. Ms.Sally has been yelling at me all day. About my hair, my piercing, apparently letting the "going on tour" thing go to my head. I think she's just jealous that her daughter isn't getting all of the attention.


"Haha! You're hilarious Danni!" I laughed uncontrollably. As did the studio owner's daughter, Bev, and Ms.Sally's daughter, Hannah.

Two girls and a boy, probably about 12, or 13 ran up to us.

"It 's really her!" the brunette girl said.

"You were right! I owe ya' five bucks Lux!" The boy said. They all had dance warmups on, so they were obviously dancers, I think I saw the blonde girl and the boy dance in a duet earlier.

I laughed. "Hey guys, what's up?"

"We were wondering if we could get a picture with you..." The blonde girl said shyly.

I smiled, "Of course! Oh, and your duet," I said, pointing to the boy and blonde girl, "flawless"

They both smiled. "Thanks!" the boy said.

"Danni, mind taking the pic?" I asked her.

"Not at all" She said while smiling and taking the brunette's phone.

We took a few pictures, and they gave me hugs. Bev and Hannah just stared in awe. I looked over and saw Ms.Sally in the distance, scowling.

~End of Flashback~

"Janie, just because you're some famous dancer now, doesn't mean you're all that."

"That? Coming from you? Have you noticed how you treat Bev and Hannah? They aren't all that either..."I mumbled under my breath.

"Excuse me?" Ms.Sally said

"What? I didn't say anything." I said smiling.

"Get your head in it."

"I got it!" I said, starting to get aggravated.

"Hey! Don't use that tone with me."

"Honestly, I don't care anymore. I've tried for so long to gain your trust. And what do you do? Treat me like crap..."

"I'm trying to keep you humble."

"Humble is one thing, having no self-confidence is another." I said, then walked away.


 "You! Make! Me!" Danni screamed

"Feel like I'm living a..!" Hannah said

"Teen-age dream!!" I said laughing

"The way you turn me on..." Bev said, while hip thrusting.

All of us started cracking up.

"Haha! Best way to prepare for a lyrical solo, freak out!" I laughed.

"Totally!" Bev yelled.

"Yeah!" Hannah screamed.

Hannah always agreed with Bev. Like she was a robot. Honestly, I didn't really like hanging around Bev, but she was the only other soloist, and no one else from the team bothered to show up and support us. Except Danni, and Hannah has to be here being the instructor's daughter and all.

"We should get changed into our costumes." Bev said

"I guess."

We went into separate changing tents and quickly changed. We both came out at the same time. We looked at each other, making eye contact. We both realized that we were competing against each other, and I could tell Bev thought it was obvious she was going to win. I'm not backing down that easily...

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