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The day was beautiful. The sky was a brilliant blue - almost unnatural in its watercolor qualities, and it was enhanced by the dollops of marshmallow clouds that roamed on their own paths set by the hair-tousling wind. 

You felt the grass prickle against the cotton of your sweater, giggling as the breeze blew your hair into Himchan’s face. He spluttered and pushed it away, propping himself up on his elbow to tuck the wayward strands behind your ear. You smiled at him, his lips hovering just above yours. 

You giggled again and he leaned down, sporting his own amused smile and pressed his lips gently to yours before lifting himself away and rolling back to your side, reaching to tangle your fingers together. There was a moment of content silence, just you and Himchan wasting the morning in your backyard, your eyes directed towards the sky and her myriad of pictures. 

“Himchan, look!” you laughed, picking up your conjoined hands and pointing with one finger at a cloud directly overhead. “That one’s a banana,” you smiled toothily, though he couldn’t see it. His eyebrows furrowed and he brought your hands back to the grass. “No, that’s a triangle. Banana’s aren’t triangular.” 

You shook your head childishly. “It’s a banana,” you grumbled. “You’re triangular.” Himchan gasped, faking affronted before rolling over onto his side. “Oh, you’ve done it now, love,” he smiled deviously as he unclasped your hands, reaching out to tickle your sides mercilessly.

You got up and ran around the backyard as fast as possible, hoping he won't catch up. Himchan: "YOU KNOW~ IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY~" he shouts trying to catch up on you. You: "Well, I know~" you say as you stopped and turned around to see him running faster. He caught up to you and hugged you. Himchan: "Where's my gift?" he says as he looks into your eyes. You: "I didn't get you one" Himchan had a surprised look on his face as he let go. Himchan: "Wae?~" he nagged. You: "I'm just kidding, we're going ice-skating today alright?" Himchan: "Oh well, that's a great idea~" You were preparing a surprise for him in the ice skate rank. He went upstairs and got ready. Himchan: "Ready to go~"

You both went walking to the ice-rank holding hands. Himchan: "So what are you hiding for me?" he says coming closer to you. You: "Well you'll see later" you laughed and hopped around. When you reached the ice-rank, the sun was already setting. That's what you wanted. Once you went into the ice-rank you told him to wait. 

It was pretty dark and you were alone. Suddenly, candles started lighting up with "Happy Birthday Channie". He was pretty shocked at the wonderful scenery in front of him. You ice-skated your way to him and brought him along. You slid here and there with him around the ice-rank. Then you took him to the middle of the ice-rank and there was the birthday cake. Himchan: "WWAHH~ When did you even have time to prepare all this?" he says with wide eyes. You: "I have my ways" you smiled. He came closer to you and hugged you "Thank you love~" he says. Himchan kissed your forehead and then went to your lips and gave it a soft kiss. 

Himchan: "This is a lovely birthday present, Shall we move on to eating the cake? Ah how I wish Daehyunie was here with us. He'd eat this delicious cake all up" You: "I wouldn't want that to happen though" Himchan: "Yeah. You're right, he'll even ruin our alone moment together" he bit his lower lip. You both laughed and enjoyed the time together as you sat on the bench looking up into the sky. Himchan: "Saranghae~" he said as he pulled you closer to him.


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