You and himchan by the beach

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 Leaning against the railing overlooking the ocean, waiting for your boyfriend to show. You stare down at the waves splashing on the shore, running a hand through your hair.

You and your boyfriend Himchan are going to the boardwalk by the beach, but he's meeting you there since he has rehearsals.

Closing your eyes, taking a breath of fresh air, you feel a pair of arms slip around your waist. You then feel a light kiss on the top of your head.

Himchan: "Hey~" as he tightens his arms around you and whispers that. You: *smile, keeping your eyes closed and gently lay your head on his chest* " were rehearsals?" *turn around in his arms* Himchan: "Good, but I'd rather not talk about that right now - I need some (Y/N) time." You: *giggle and shake your head* Himchan: "Ready for some boardwalk fun?" as he leans down and kisses your lips gently. You: "Yup, let's go!" as you nod. Himchan grabs your hand and you two run to the games section.

Himchan: "Hmm, which game first?" as he walks through the first few stands. You: "How about ring toss?" as you look, smile and point at it. Himchan: "It's on"

You: "I'm going to win" you giggle. Himchan: "That's what you think" You both walk over to the man at the stand. Man: "Two for Ring Toss?" You: *nod and grab the rings from the man*

Himchan throws his ring first, missing the bottle. Giggling, you throw yours and it lands perfectly.

You: "What now?" you say as you laugh. Himchan: "I'm still going to win" he throws and misses again. You: "You sure about that?" *throw the ring and miss just by a little bit* "Darn it" Himchan: "Mmmm, so now what?" he smirks. You: "Ahh, whatever, just go" your roll your eyes playfully. Himchan: "Yay! Yay! Yay!" he threw the ring and it scores. You: "Don't get too excited. If I get this, I win!" Himchan: "Okay, Let's see you try." he smirks. You: *position and get ready to throw your ring*

You're about to release the ring when... Himchan "accidentally" bumps into you and the ring misses the bottle.

You: "Himchan!" Himchan: *shrugs* "What?" You: *playfully glare at him and shake your head*

Himchan: "Sorry.." You: *walk in front of him and giggle* "No, you're not" Himchan: *laughs and follows you* "Yeah, you're right." *points to the throwing station* "Hey, how about this one?" You: *shrug and smile* "Okay" Himchan: "What prize would you like?" *grabs the throwing balls* You: *point to the dinosaur stuffed animal* Himchan: *smiles* "Okay" *throws and misses* You: *bite your lip, trying not to laugh* Himchan: *takes the second ball and tries again*

Ding Ding Ding! He wins and the man gives him the stuffed dinosaur. 

Himchan: "Yeobo, here you go" *smiles and hands you the toy* You: *smile* "Aww, thanks Himchan!" *lean up on your toes and kiss his cheek* He blushes. You two got to a few other game stands, trying to win, but it doesn't always work out. 

Now, the two of you are down on the beach, walking along the shore. The lights and loud noises from the boardwalk are still noticeable, but not as bad. Adjusting your stuffed dino in your arm, you and Himchan interlock hands, walking down the sandy shore.

Himchan: "It was good to get out for a bit and spend some time with you" he glances over you as he kicks some sand. You: "Yeah, it was a lot of fun" you smile. Himchan: "It really was" he lets go of your hand and wraps an arm around your shoulder.

He gently kisses the top of your head, as silence takes over for a bit.

Himchan: "Saranghae. You know that, right?" he breaks the silence. You blush and look down at the sand. You: "Yeah, I know" You look up to him. "Saranghae" Himchan then comes closer to you and kisses your lips gently as he holds you tight.

Both of you are smiling into the kiss, and the sound of waves and boardwalk games are slowly fading into the distance. 


Credit to admin chae on @bap_thoughts on twitter.

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