You and himchan at a party organized by yongguk

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 You and Himchan are going to little party organized by his friend Yongguk. Himchan told you about it in the day when this takes place so you didn’t have much time to prepare yourself. But that's just Himchan.. you never know what he’s up to. You decided to choose simple but effective outfit. A black and quite tight dress with high heels.

“Yongguk How long will it take ? We are already late. Hurry up ok ?” Himchan yelled. By his voice you can tell that he’s getting a little pissed because you're in the bathroom for like an hour and you're still not coming out. “Yeah yeah, there. I’m done” you laughed at a little-pissed-Himchan. As soon as he sees you his anger will disappear - Im sure of that. “Come on I want to see you” you heard him say. You got out of the bathroom and came to Himchan. He admired you from your head to toes and whispered “You look … //speechless// gorgeous.” You saw lust in his eyes. 

“Let’s go” He said and took your hand. You both got out of out the Hotel and went to his car. When Himchan was supposed to unlock the door he realized that he forgot to take his keys. You rolled your eyes and sighed. “Now you hurry up you clumsy boy”. You giggled to him. He ran quickly to your flat. Right after he disappeared from your view, youbegan to feel a little bit restless. Because of the fact that it is a late winter it gets dark very quickly and you stand alone in the Hotel Parking. 

You heard loud shouts and noticed a group of boys who apparently were drunk. Judging by their look you can tell that they’re around 20 years old. Suddenly one of them points at you and laugh at something. He begins to walk into your way while yelling to the rest of them “Come on!”. But they don’t seem to be excited like he is. You heard someone saying “Leave her alone” but he didn’t care. He kept on walking towards you. Finally the rest of the boys decided to go without him. Your heart begins to pound as he’s getting closer and closer.

The fear took over you and you lost your mind. You didn’t know what should you do. Should you stay and wait for Himchan? And where is he? How long can you search for the keys? You imagine too much and these things are paralyzing. You turned around and walked towards the door when you suddenly feel strong and hurtful grip on your wrist. He made you turn around to him and pulled you close to his body. You felt an alcohol in his breath. His touch, his body.. it disgusted you. He was disgusting. “God Himchan where are you?” - You thought to yourself.

“Hello sexy, what are you doing here alone.. looking like that huh?” He squeezed your already hurt wrists even harder, it made you cry. You noticed pissed Himchan running fast towards you. “My boyfriend is coming here, leave me alone” you begged the guy. Probably shouldn’t do it because right after these words he turned you around and you stood with your back to his front. Your hands were trapped in his. Man: “Don’t come closer pretty boy or otherwise she’ll get hurt.” you looked at Himchan and you have never seen him that mad, angry, pissed. 

He looks like he wants to kill or punch any thing that is near him. He looked at you while your frightened eyes were filled with tears. The guy started to talk something again but Himchan didn’t care. Without caring he firmly came up to you and stood in front of you. He forced you with his hand to put your head on his chest. Right after that with one quick and hard movement he punched the guy so hard that he immediately fell unconsciously into the ground. It all happened so quickly, you barely knew what is going on. Himchan embraced you tightly as you released your fear and everything with your tears into his chest. Himchan: “Shh baby ssh it’s OK. I got you. You’re safe now. I won’t let anyone to touch you or even come near you. And If someone would dare to do it, the person is dead. You hear me?” You stayed quiet, sobbing to him. “Im here (Y/N)-ah” he whispered.

The guy who laid on the ground moved and it scared you again. Himchan noticed and said “Go to the hotel”. You hesitated. You didn’t want to leave him alone here.. with him. “Go. To. The. Hotel” - he said firmly. Without saying anything you ran to your flat. You took off the dress, the high heels and throwed it anywhere, wore your PJs and went to your bed.

*After a While*

You felt big and warm hands rubbing on your back. Gently, like he doesn’t want to hurt you. You: “Channie I..” you tried to say anything but you couldn’t. You have never gone through something like that. You have never been so scared. Himchan knew that. He took off his shirt and laid down on the bed. You were laying opposite to each other. You looked at him and he looked even 5 times worse than you... hurt and injured. 

He gently took your wrists into his hands and kissed them. “Come here (Y/N)-ah”. You moved closer to him and covered your face in his chest. He embraced you tightly and brushed his hand through your hair. You were slowly loosing yourself in his heartbeat, in the heat of his body, in the safety that he gave you. Finally, you fell asleep as he kissed your forehead.


Sorry if it took too long~ <3 

-Admin Chae.

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