Himchan:how "irresponsible" and "childish" you have been!

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 You sat on the couch, your index finger tapping against the armrest, your eyes fixed on the ground. Himchan stood in front of you, talking about how "irresponsible" and "childish" you had been.

Himchan: "Seriously, (Y/N) , are you even LISTENING to me? What were you thinking buying such an expensive Rolex? I gave you my credit card to buy a present for mum and dad's anniversary, what would you even buy this for?! Do you realize what a waste of my money it is? I expected you to be mature and sensible! If I had known you would just end up buying such an expensive watch for god knows what then I would have gone to buy the present myself! WHO did you even buy it for?!" he rambled on, his forehead creased and eyes dark out of anger. You took a deep breath and shook your head, trying to calm yourself down.

You: "How about you be quiet for once and listen to me, Himchan?" You eyed him, speaking in a strict but calm tone. Himchan: "Just answer me! How could you have been so immature and wasted my money-" You: "For God's sake, Himchan!" You snapped at him and stood up, walking towards the table where the gift packets were. Picking the one in which the Rolex was previously placed, you shoved it into Himchan's hands. You: "You might want to check the bill inside that packet, Mr.-my-money-went-to-waste and realize this Rolex has been bought from MY money for YOU!" 

His eyes widened at that statement, realizing what the date was today. 19th April. You walked towards the door and opened it up, turning around to say one more thing to him, "Happy birthday in advance!" you said madly as you walked away.

Shoving the earphones in your ears, you kept walking down the street. Not knowing where you were headed, and frankly, not even caring. Something was up with Himchan. You just knew it. You could sense the change in him. A few minutes later, you found myself sitting at the park, watching couples and kids passing by. That was when "Starlight Moonlight" by SECRET started playing. This was your song. He was busy with his schedules for such a long time, and whenever either of you were feeling down or missing each other, you sang this song together. You were never the one to have a good voice, and you were always surprised how he tolerated it. You couldn't have helped but smiled at the memory.. and a little teary. 

You stayed there for another hour, finally deciding to head home when your stomach grumbled. Opening the door with your spare key, you heard Himchan's muffled voice coming from your bedroom. You stood against the door, trying to overhear what he was saying.

Himchan: "Yeah, Yongguk-ah, I know it was stupid..." "...I'm just so stressed..." "...this schedule is taking up most of my time and..." That was all you heard and before you knew, the door flew open, and you fell on top of Himchan. Himchan: "Ah, Jinjja.." he muttered. You: "Opsies, are you okay? Did you get hurt?" you asked in a hurry, forgetting about your little argument earlier. Himchan: "Anni, I'm alright, Baby" You stared at each other for a moment, just looking at each other. Your faces were inches away, his wrapped arms around your waist, yours slowly travelling up, and you started playing with his hair.

Himchan: "I'm sorry," he sighed. You shook your head, You: "No... No, don't be. I understand how irritated you get with all the practicing and filming and stuff..." Himchan: "Shh, stop blaming yourself," he lightly kissed your forehead. Himchan: "I should have known you would never make any stupid decisions, I should have known... Sorry for ruining your surprise," he shyly smiled.

You smiled, You: "It's alright, Channie. As long as you liked it..." Himchan: "Oh, I love it! Yongguk was telling me how he's gonna buy it next week. Now I can tease him about it. I would love to see his reaction tomorrow." You: "Hmm, remember the time you both wore the same colored shirt and he was so annoyed and kept asking you to change it all day long," you both chuckled. Himchan: "Saranghae, you know?" he whispered. You: "Saranghae" Himchan: "Well, obviously," he smirked. You: "Oh, hush," you smacked his chest lightly, unable to stop the smile appearing on your face. 


-Admin Chae.

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