"Holy cow!" She was stunned, "That's Jake's?"

Callen nodded, "All his, most for education most for after he's 16, 18, 21 and 25. He'll have it in stages with a final payment when he's Thirty or married whichever happens first. I'm going to see a lawyer about it tomorrow. This is ours." He placed the second check in front of her.

"G!" Joelle gasped, "This is too much."

Callen nodded, "Deeks insisted. It's for us and for Jake."

"What does he want for it?" Joelle asked worried for the child.

"Nothing, he wanted to see me to sign over all rights to Jake. In the original adoption agreement I had left it so if Deeks was well he could take him back at any point."

Callen pulled Joelle into his arms as she started crying, "He's not taking our son is he?" The fear was evident in her voice.

"No, he's ours Jo. Forever, all he asked is to be allowed to write to Jake when Jake is older, and if Jake ever asks to meet him we will let him."

"We would anyway, it's got to be about what is best for our son." Joelle said firmly.

Callen smiled. It was times like this that he knew he had picked the right woman to help complete his family. Strong determined and full of love for their child.

Hetty looked at them, "I know Miss Taylor that Mr. Callen would always do what is good for both you and your son."

Joelle nodded, "I know that," She wiped her eyes, "Sorry, Hormones."

Hetty nodded in understanding.

"We can do the house up, but the very first thing I want to do...Jo I want to buy Jake a bike, a real shiny red bike. He's been asking Santa for one every year, the best I could do was a secondhand one that I did up for him."

Joelle smiled, "That's a brilliant idea, I was thinking of getting one for him as a wedding present. Hetty you will come to the wedding won't you?" she asked.

Hetty smiled, "I would love to attend."

Joelle looked at Callen realizing maybe she should have asked him first but he nodded, after all anything his pregnant girlfriend wanted was alright with him.

Deeks watched as Kensi smiled at him lighting up the whole room.

He was on cloud nine. He had sorted out the niggling problems he'd had about not providing for Jake and had made his peace with Callen. He had worried about it ever since he had found out about the fortune he and Jake had inherited. His only solution was to put the money to good use helping others.

Nate had come back in telling them that Callen had left. Deeks and Kensi hadn't taken it badly as they both knew that he'd had a lot to process and would need time. He just waited for that day when Jake would start writing to him and hopefully one day they would meet and maybe he could become a surrogate uncle to the boy who shared his DNA.

Nate himself had been in for a shock as he entered to find Deeks smiling like an idiot and twirling Kensi around the room.

"What's happened?" Nate asked after telling them about Callen's departure.

"Kensi's pregnant... I'm going to be a father." Deeks smiled. No matter what he was not going to fail this child.

For a second a dark look of worry crossed his face, Nate made a note of if but said nothing as Kensi hadn't noticed.

"Congratulations you two." He said.

"This is wonderful news." Caroline said.

"I'm going to take my vacation and maternity leave, I'll let Granger know as soon as he gets back from Washington." She smiled.

"We'll have to make the house at the back bigger." Deeks sighed pulling over the plans with a groan which changed to a laugh and slight grimace of pain as Kensi punched him in the shoulder.

"How far along are you?" Nate asked.

"Just a few weeks, I got it confirmed by the doctor this morning while Deeks and Callen were in their meeting this morning."

Deeks looked at the house, "It is going to need to be bigger." He said seriously, "I will need this part for my office and a waiting room, I want the nursery and our room to be on the opposite side of the house."

Kensi nodded in agreement, "And security as well, especially if you want that entrance to your offices there." She said pointing to the door of the house which was outside the perimeter fence.

"It needs to be accessible to everyone in need." Deeks said.

"Maybe, we can just build your office here and have a gap and build the house separately?" Caroline suggested.

"It would take up too much land." Deeks argued, "The kids need space to play."

"But both Lots either side of us are up for sale, they have been for years, no one wanted to buy and build next to a homeless shelter." Caroline argued.

"So we buy them then. Extend the shelter this way," He said pointing to the left, "...and we put my office in this lot and the house stays there." Deeks said his eyes lighting up, "We can do this...a totally free family law center for spousal abuse victims and a bigger shelter for those in need."

Nate looked over the plot, "Deeks, you think you have room for a few extra rooms in your law center?" he asked.

"Sure why?"

"I'm thinking that maybe I could offer counseling and see if I can get some other therapist friends to donate time too."

"Really?" Caroline teared up, "That would be brilliant. I'm...I'm..." she was lost for words and hugged him.

Nate smiled, "It's a good thing you guys are doing here. I'd like to help and be a part of it. If I can."

Deeks nodded and they settled down to plan the new shelter/law center and a brighter future for them all.

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