Chapter 18

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Max pulled up outside another motel, "Stay in the car." he snapped at Jake.

Jake nodded and looked fearfully out of the window.

He saw a beat up brown pick up truck and his heart beat wildly. "Daddy!" he screamed banging on the window.

A woman walking past looked at the tear stained boy banging his small fists on the window. She walked over and knocked on the glass.

"Hey are you ok?" she asked.

Jake looked up at her, "I want my daddy!" he cried.

Max walked out of the office and saw a woman standing by his car.

"Can I help you?" He asked flashing a smile her way his hand sliding behind his back to the knife he had stashed at his belt.

"Is this your son?" she asked.

"Yes." Max replied honestly.

Jake shook his head, "He isn't my daddy." he cried.

"I'm sorry, his mother died recently, Please, join us for a coffee and I'll explain," he opened the door to the car, "Grab your bags Marty, lets get in the room."

Jake grabbed the woman's hand, "Take me to my daddy please." he asked.

Max shot her an apologetic smile, "Come on kid, let's get you settled," He waited as the woman looked from the child to the man, they did...she had to admit, look alike. "Please, let me make you a coffee." Max smile and she melted at his smile and bright blue eyes. She nodded and followed.

Callen woke up, smells of antiseptic and a low beeping fading in and out through his head.

"Mr. Callen," Hetty said.

"No...No...I can't be here, I have to find Jake...please Hetty...let me go?" he said as he pulled his wrists at the restraints that were attached to the side of the bed.

"Mr. Hanna and Mr Stiles are checking a lead, Ms Blye and Mr. Redding are liaising with the police on the trail of Mr Deeks and Mr Giamatti."

"I need to be out there looking for Jake, he's too small to be on his own." Callen pulled again at the restraints, "Please…" he begged.

"Mr Callen, you were shot, you refused to get the proper medical attention and you nearly bled out and died, I ordered the restraints to make sure you stayed and healed." Hetty told him.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" Callen shouted pulling harder at the restraints, "Punish me all you like, but Jake's just a little boy he's out there and scared…"

"I understand that Mr. Callen, trust your teammates, they are doing all they can to find him."

"They are not my teammates, I don't have a team." Callen argued trying to reach for the call button.

"Be that as it may, you will be no good to your son if you do not heal."

"I'm no good to my son tied up in this bed either, let me out!" Callen pleaded, his eyes going wide with disbelief as Hetty walked out of the room ignoring his pleas.

Jake climbed on the bed in the small room as Max walked in with the woman.

He put the water on for coffee, "What's your name?" he asked with a smile.

"Amanda." she replied, "Your son is really cute, how old is he?" she asked.

"Five, nearly six...his mother died recently and then we lost his uncle."

Amanda's eyes went wide, "Oh the poor boy."

Max nodded looking concerned at his son, "I took him out of the hospital a few days ago, he has hysterical amnesia, He thinks his name is Jake, it's actually Marty."

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