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Luke gave me a worried looks as Michael tried to settle on the center of the stage, fixing his guitar. I could tell by the looks on Calum and Ashton‘s faces even though they were all slightly on the dark part of the stage, they are worried too about Michael‘s stunt. Skylar was tensed beside me, I could feel her nerves. Let's just hope Michael doesn't do something that he would regret.

I mouthed 'it would be alright' to Luke. Though, I, myself am not sure if it was going to be. But I believe that Michael is smart enough to know what he's doing.

"Hello everyone! I'm Michael from 5 Seconds of Summer." Michael smiled and waved to the crowd sheepishly. "I hope you guys don't mind me taking over the stage for awhile." The crowd replied with 'we don't mind', 'not at all', and other words of assurance that I didn't understand. "This song that I'm going to sing is for a girl that was special for me, well she still is, to be honest." He scratched the back of his head while locking his gaze on Skylar, who was practically frozen. Is he doing what I think he's doing? But why? This is risky and could affect their image. But, to hell with that, If this is worth their happiness. "I dedicate this song to you, little gamer, my baby bear. Please… please hear me out. This is If You Don't Know. There would be a few alliterations but it's still the same. So here it goes…" His eyes never left Skylar‘s and it was the same for her. It was like they were having a silent conversation. Only they could understand, the conversation of their hearts. You could see the love in their eyes, there was also hurt but you could see that they want to be together. You could feel it in the air. Love was in the air.

Tonight we're fading fast

I just wanna make this last

If I could say the things that I wanna say

I'd find a way to make you stay

I'd never let you get away

Catch you in all the games we‘ve play

So go ahead rip my heart out

Show me what love‘s all about

Go ahead rip my heart out

That's what love‘s all about

Well, this is a new side of Michael. He doesn't look punk rock now, not even close. Even though he has that eyebrow piercing and tattoos, he looks so vulnerable right now, like he's on the verge of tears. The way he looked at Skylar, with so much love and adoration. I wonder if Luke would ever look at me that way. If he ever will. I still can't help but think about my value to him. Was I really just a toy or was he serious with pursuing me? Because God knows how serious I am about him.

I want you to want me this way

And I need you to need me to stay

If you say that you don't feel a thing

If you don't know, I'll let you go

Let you go

Let you go

Let you go

If you don't know, I'll just let you go

I can't believe that this is what he meant when he said that there were some 'alliterations' to the lyrics. Pain washes all over Michael‘s eyes, his face was completely neutral but his eyes were a death giveaway. I could see that Skylar‘s eyes are starting to water but she was trying to keep them at bay. But I knew better, she's going to release the flood gates soon. The look on Luke, Calum, and Ashton‘s face is totally priceless, to say that they were dumbfounded by Michael‘s bold action and the way he changed the lyrics for Skylar was an understatement. It was risky but he took the chance, it might actually cause him his career but it was the least if his worries. Will someone ever do that for me? Will I ever have love the way they have it?

Beyond Infinity [LukeHemmings] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now