Park Chanyeol

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Fact 1: Chanyeol thinks that he can capture a girl's heart with his deep voice.

Fact 2: Chanyeol doesn't think he is ever going to pierce his ears because he doesn't want to draw attention to his ears.

Fact 3: Chanyeol once chipped off a bit of his tooth by eating chicken. (Only Chanyeol xD)

Fact 4: Chanyeol carries around a calculator in his pocket to do Pound to Won so that he can get the best price.

Fact 5: The manager would often tell Chanyeol to control his smile but Chanyeol said he can't control it.

Fact 6: "Nomatter how hard it is, I always smile like an idiot" -Park Chanyeol

Fact 7: Chanyeol's favorite things to do are eating, sleeping, and bullying Baekhyun.

Fact 8: Chanyeol thinks that the phrase "Please be quiet", is the most offensive thing someone could say to him.

Fact 9: Chanyeol really like T.O.P of Big Bang because he thinks that their voices are very similar.

Next is Chen. Thanks for reading! <3

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