ch 3

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Hope's POV


I'm running through the woods, running faster than possible. It's dark and gloomy, no sounds, no civilization for miles. All of the sudden I hear a loud ear piercing scream followed by growls.

"What the hell was that?" I ask myself as I walk towards the source. Dumb idea I know but i'm curious, but then again curiosity killed the cat. I feel like nothing can stop me as I run over.

I look around until I smell something delicious. What in the world would be in the woods that smells this hypnotizing.

Then I spot it, not really an it a someone leaning over a body. That smell though I have to find it. I feel as if I had starved myself for days. The scent leads closer and closer to the body.


I see blood coming from the victims neck and I lunge at the body. Sucking up as much blood as possible

"Why am I doing this" I look up at the man who was leaning over the body. He looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"hope?" the man said. I looked at him with bloodthirsty eyes, and then I woke up.

-end of dream-

"HOPE WAKE UP ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL" I wake up to my mother banging on my door.

"IM UP.'' I yelled back to her.

ugh school, ugh life, ugh school. I jump out of my bed and head to the bathroom to get ready. I do my makeup and straighten my hair. I go to pick out my outfit, Its suppose to be really hot today so I pick out a pair of blue jean shorts and a nirvana shirt and black converse to go with it.

I look at myself in the mirror and whenever I look presentable I go downstairs. I eat breakfast in the kitchen, and make my way to school.

"Bye love you guys." I yell as I slam the door. I know where my new school is because me and my dad looked it up last night after he showed me the house.

I walk up to my new school with high school students surrounding the front building.

I go to the office in the main hall and get my schedule for the year. I look at the top of my schedule and it says 1st period history. I actually love history it really interesting learning where we came from... besides our parents ew.

History flies by like the other classes until its time for lunch. I get my disgusting lunchroom food and try to find a place to sit I see the jock table, the hot table, the slut table trying to get the hot table to notice them, the stoner table, the bad leather jacket style table, the book worm table reading of course, and the nerd table, then lastly I look over and see a nice looking group of girls I decide to sit with them.

I walk over and introduce myself then instantly they tell me to sit down. There were only four of them Anna, Brianna, Zoey, Lauren.

The whole time we talked about random stuff until the bell rang. I threw my stuff away with them and walked towards my class.

"bye guys." I say to them they all say it back as I walk through the class. I look around for a place to sit and there is only one seat open in the back next to a guy. I recognize him as one of the bad ass guys and he smirks at me.

I walk toward the desk and sit down and wait for the teacher to start talking.

I could practically feel the ass staring at me so I gave him the meanest glare I could. He laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"What's so funny?" I fake a smile at him

"Nothing just was thinking about something was all" he stared at me.

Class was long and bad ass didn't talk to me after those few words we spoke. I walked out the doors and made the long walk home whenever someone came up behind me.

" hey there again" and all of the sudden i'm swooped up in someone's arms and all I see is blackness.


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