"Tell me about it," I smiled back. I chucked the body brush back into the grooming kit and sighed.

"Are you finished for the day?" Avery asked. I nodded. "We should take the horses down to the beach this afternoon, maybe ride bareback. It's such a lovely day and Lotus could do with the exercise."

Avery was referring to her fourteen year old Palomino Warmblood mare, Lotus. The mare was a mirror of her owner; sweet, pretty and willing to please.

"I was thinking the same thing! But I've got to help the new guy first. Donna asked me to show him around..." I shrugged, frowning slightly.

Avery's eyes widened and suddenly she tensed, her gaze flickering to somewhere behind me. She inched closer to Ricochet, tangling her fingers in a lock of inky grey mane. "Speaking of newbies..."

I turned on my heel to find myself nearly colliding with the firm chest of a stranger. I looked up gingerly, stepping back slightly. The man smirked at me and outstretched his hand.

"Callum Dalton," he said in a thick voice. "The 'newbie'."

I held my head up high defiantly and shook his hand. His grip lingered in mine for a second too long. "Madison Evans. I'll be showing you around for the next few days. And this is my best friend, Avery."

Avery twisted a sun-kissed lock around her finger and smiled shyly. Callum nodded at her shortly in acknowledgement and pink blossomed on her cheeks.

I took the opportunity to study the new arrival. He was undeniably handsome; his dark hair was pushed back out of his face like waves fighting the tide, a plain blue polo shirt hugged his lean, muscled figure and an arrogant grin resided on his lips, exposing his perfectly aligned whites. But his cobalt blue eyes sparkled with a strong intensity which made my stomach churn.

I cleared my throat resolutely. "Have you been here long?"

His grin twisted into an infuriating yet endearing smirk. "Where? At Belmont? In Ashling?"

I refrained a scowl. Cut the attitude, Newbie. "Behind me."

"No," he said, amused. "Not long."

I bit the inside of my cheek. I couldn't place why, but Callum was beginning to irritate me already. The job Donna had assigned me now threatened to be a challenge as well as a chore.

"Right. Well, welcome to Belmont Equestrian Centre. I think it's best to give you a tour of the yard tomorrow; everyone is taking the afternoon off because of the heat. And Avery and I have made plans."

"Like what?" he inquired, still wearing that snarky half-smile.

"Something that doesn't involve you," I replied shortly, pursing my lips.

"We're going for a hack on the beach," Avery informed, her tone light and pleasant. "Bareback. You're welcome to join us, if you'd like."

"I'd be delighted to accept your offer! But I've never ridden bareback before. And my horse would go...mental, to say the least," Callum replied conversationally, his tone hinting at flirtatious as his gaze fluttered over Avery.

"You should try it sometime. It's very good for your balance and core strength," I said, my tone clipped. "Now, come on. Do you know where you're going to be staying?"

"Donna said you would show me the directions to my new apartment," he said smoothly. "She said it's in the same block as yours."

Something churned within me, and I couldn't decide whether it was good and bad. I bit back a sigh. "Okay. Let's go."

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