The Show Must Go On

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This chapter has been edited.

Hey guys! :P

Bad news.... Me and Faith have already broken up. We still chill though. But I'm still going to keep FaithxPhoenix. Don't worry! I already asked her! She said it was fine.


For this chapter, I had to do a little bit of research. And by research i mean on YouTube. Now I don't know if this is how Jayy does it but out of most of the videos I watched have had a version of this (you'll see what I'm talking about in a minute).

You're all gonna hate me for this chapter...

×Jayy's POV×

I am currently getting ready for our show tonight. We were the opening act. I couldn't decide whether to go for drag or just as me. I decided on Dahli (updated from JayyVon). I walked into the bunk area and grabbed my two long blonde wigs, my make-up, my travel size drag kit, my studded codpeice thing, (I'm not really going off one of her looks I'm kind of making my own with inspiration and intertwining with all of her looks) my red bikini top bra whatever the fuck it is, my black latex mini skirt and my knee high red nine inch stiletto pumps. It took me a long ass time to learn to walk in these, let alone jump around on stage.

As I was walking to the bathroom, believing everyone was ready but me, I saw Ashley in it.

"What the fuck?!? You started your make-up 45 minutes ago asshole!" I chuckled.

"HEY! BEAUTY TAKES TIME!" He retorted.

"Well the only beauty here is that fine ass of yours. Which better get the fuck out before this fine foot kicks it," I warned, jokingly.

"OKAY! OKAY! I'M DONE!" he laughed and walked out.

"Thanks babe," I winked at him.

"Fucking weirdo," he mumbled shaking his head.

I walked in with all of my shit and locked the door behind me. I opened my make-up and drag kit.

"FUCKING TOUR BUS BATHROOM!!!!!! WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING SMALL!!!!!????" I hollered, earning laughs from the living room area.

I quickly changed into my outfit and did my make-up. I prefer to do my make-up before I put on my weave. It's just easier to me.

I put on my front lace wig cap and flipped the first wig on. Pinning it to my hair and cap. I then proceeded with the special double-sided wig tape and taped it to the cap. I took out the pins and put them to the side.

I picked up the wig glue and glued the very edge of the wig to my scalp. I am going to be headbanging and shit so. And I did it on the very edge so there's no flapping shit going on.

I took the other one and flipped it on as well, pinning it down. I use two wigs so it will look bigger. Yes, people actually do this and it actually has a term. It's called wig stacking.

I pinned that down too, lining it up just in front of the other hairline. I skipped the taping because I'm running low on time. I proceeded to glue this wig down as well.

And yes this shit is real human hair. The fake ones are so fucking shitty. That shit's for fucking 2 year olds on Halloween. fucking real! You can't comb that shit! It'll fall out. Not to mention it looks so fucking fake!

I finished by brushing it out and walking into the living room area. Ashley wolf whistled.

"Who let this precious doll on the bus?" he joked.

I Refuse To Sink In The End ×Jandyy× (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now