New Band Member and Touring ×Featuring Matt Good×

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've had stuff going on. IT'S SUMMER THOUGH!!! Which means I should be updating more! Anyway let's go shall we?


×Andy's POV×

I woke up to the guys taking pictures of me. I just woke up so I couldn't really comprehend. When I woke up more and felt lengthy arms around my torso and noticed that the pillow I was laying my head on wasn't a pillow at all. It was a tattooed chest. I immediately recognized the tattoos and my mind woke up fully.

My eyes went wide and I blushed as I realized that I had just spent the night in the same bunk as Jayy Von Monroe, not to mention, my band members were surrounding the bunk taking pictures without knowing the context. The guys jumped back when they noticed I was awake and I let out a low growl enough to alarm the others but not enough to wake Sleeping Beauty under me. They got the message and left the room quietly.

I didn't feel like getting up so I decided to lay there. I looked up at Jayy, still fast asleep. I watched his sleeping figure. I sighed. "He's so perfect."

×Jayy's POV×

I woke up to the sound of a door closing softly. I could feel the warmth and (very light) weight of another body on top of me. Then I remembered last night and mentally smiled. I was about to open my eyes when I felt moving from Andy.

I then felt eyes on me so I decided to play dead and keep my eyes closed.

He sighed. "He's so perfect," he whispered.

What??? I thought he was straight??? And who's HEE???

I felt a slight pain in my chest.... What is that?

Suddenly he leaned in and whispered in my ear "I love you."

On the outside I was fast asleep but on the inside I was smiling like a fucking retard. He then got up and walked out closing the door behind him quietly. I missed him already.

I immediately sat up and silently screamed.

Did he really mean it?

No he couldn't have.

Could he?

I got up and started walking out the door. Then I realized that I had a giant fucking grin on my face. When I tried to wipe it off, it didn't even falter.

Quick, I thought, think of an excuse.



No they can't know I have a soft side.

Wet dream?

Ew no too personal.

And gross.


What do I say????

I was reunited with my mom!!!!


I walked downstairs.

"Why are you so happy?" Andy asked. I immediately forgot what I was going to say.


"Uhhhhhh, it...........rained......last night......" I mentally facepalmed.

" it didn't....." Jinxx HAD THE NERVE to say. (I laughed at myself for about two minutes for that XD future me from 4 years later: it's not that funny
Future future me 5 years later: I'm laughing again)

I Refuse To Sink In The End ×Jandyy× (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now