Let The Games Begin!

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This chapter has been edited.

Hey guys! Another update! I'm on a role!!!

... I need to update my others o-o I LIKE THIS STORY TOO MUCH XD

Anyways onto the story.


×Jayy's POV×

I woke up at around noon. I looked over to the couch next to me to see Andy laying on it, staring at the ceiling. I don't want him to see my bed head. At least his was cute. I felt a slight pink hue fall over my cheeks.

I decided to make a big deal about rolling onto my other side. I kicked the blanket around and flailed my arms as I rolled over. I heard Andy chuckle. Yay! I did it.

"Jayyyyyyy..." Andy said in a song filled tone. I didn't respond.

"Jayy I'm not stupid I saw your eyes open," he chuckled.

"Fuuuck" I groaned, rolling back over.

"Good morning sleepy head," he laughed. His smile! AHHHHH!!!

"Hey..." I responded, groggily.

×About Five O'clock×

×Ashley's POV×

We were all sitting in the living room, eating pizza. This is my chance. I leaned into Andy's ear.

"Let the games begin," I whispered. His eyes went wide and he stopped in mid bite.

"Hey Jinxx! I have to show you something," I said.

"Umm... Ok?" he sat his plate down on the table. I ran up the stairs, him following shortly after.

When we got upstairs, I closed the door to the bunk area and turned to him.

"This is going to be the best game ever. Here watch this video." I handed him my phone.

After the video ended, he had a mixed look of shock, disgust, and laughter.

"That was..... Disturbing..." he laughed.

"I know right?"

"Anyway here's the deal..." I summed up the entire conversation I had with Andy.

"Anyway, you have the choice of either telling Jayy, or making Andy do something you want him to do. It can NOT be anything sexual but I'm more worried about Faith, Phoenix and Cashmere with that one. The catch is, Andy has to come to you and ask you not to tell him.

"Don't tell anyone about the video. I'm going down the line with each person. And if you want to you can make him do something simple to or towards Jayy to maybe give Jayy a hint. Wink wink.

"So that's the plan! Any questions?" I finished.

"Nope!" he said.

"Here! give me your phone. I'll transfer the video to it." he handed me his phone and I transferred it.

"Done!" I handed it back. "Remember: act natural around the others."

With that, we walked back downstairs, only for Jinxx to be pulled back up by Andy.

×Andy's POV×

I pulled Jinxx back upstairs, blushing like crazy. He chuckled.

"Well hello there! Had any good dreams lately?" He snickered.

"Jiiiinxx," I whined. "Please don't tell Jayy anything." I was practically begging him.

I can't have Jayy find out. "Dude that was punishment enough," he responded. I sighed in relief.

"But you do have to do one thing for me," my sigh turned into a groan.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Your on trash duty at the next stop," he stated, walking back downstairs.

I quickly followed. I growled as I passed Ashley, picking up my plate that was sitting in my old seat beside him and walked over, sitting beside Dahvie.

"Hey buddy!" he said, cheerfully. I smiled back.

"Hey!" I said with fake happiness.

The entire rest of the eating time, I snuck glares at Ashley and he smirked back at me.

Hey guys! That's it for now! Sorry it's short! Just a filler really! I'll try to make the next chapter longer. I'm running out of outros ;-; Reusing them

OUTRO OF DARKNESS THEN REDNESS THEN WHITENESS!! (Outro Credit: Tobuscus/Toby Turner/TobyGames)

I Refuse To Sink In The End ×Jandyy× (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now