My Life Is Like A Video Game

186 17 5

This chapter has been edited.

Sorry if this one takes a little while longer than the others. I am having a little bit of writers block on what I should have Jake make Andy do.

*two minutes later* NEVERMIND I'VE GOT IT!!!!..... XD

Today is July 16th so let's see how long it takes me to update.

Anyway on to the story

(HI FAITH!!!!)

×Andy's POV×

×The Next Day, 12:00pm×

Everyone was awake and sitting around lazily. Suddenly, Ashley came up behind me.

"Time for round two," he walked up to Jake and whispered something in his ear before he got up and followed Ashley upstairs. I growled to myself and got up, moving closer to the stairs, ready to bring Jake back upstairs when they came back down.

×After The Same Conversation As Yesterday×

Jake and Ashley came back downstairs. I grabbed Jake's arm, pulling him back upstairs. He couldn't stop laughing. I felt my cheeks heat up. Ugh...

"Jakeeeeeee!!" I groaned.

"Whaaaaaaaat sleep talker?" He smirked. Grrr...

"Please don't tell Jayy!" I begged.

"I don't knowwwww....." he pondered.

"JAAAAAAKE!!!!" I whined.

"Come on," he said, grabbing my arm, "I wanna play a game and you have to do it." He grinned evilly. Oh no....

CLIFF HANGERRRRR!!!!! lol I know its really short but you'll understand why next chapter o3o

Lush you BYEEEEEEE!!! (Outro Credit: Lush)

I Refuse To Sink In The End ×Jandyy× (boyxboy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя