Memory Loss

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"Um.. who are you?"

Everyone looked at me in shock. I looked at everyone weirdly. Who are these people?

"What are you all staring at?" I asked.

"It appears that Zoey lost her memory". The doctor said. My name is Zoey?

"What do we do Tony?" The small guy asked.

"Nothing Chim, we just have to wait to see if she gets her memory back it may take weeks months or even years till she gets her memory back." The doctor explained. Everyone fell

"Well seems like my work here is done. I best leave now." Tony said packing up his stuff.

"Make sure she gets plenty of rest V." Tony said. He nodded. V? Who is this guy?

"We'll escort you out." The boys told him as they walked out the door leaving me and V by ourselves. He turned to look at me. I blushed looking at him. He's unbelievably handsome.
He sat down upon the bed next to me.

"So, do you really not remember anything?" V asked me. I tried to think for a bit. I can't remember anything.


"No, not really." Zoey said. I smiled


"I'm your boy friend V ."  I said to her.

"Boyfriend?!" She asked looking surprised having her cheeks turn bright red. I chuckled at her cuteness.

"Did you really forget everything we did together do you?" I asked her.

"I guess I did could you remind me V?"
She asked me. I thought for a bit. How can I word this.

"Well  you know we always go out to eat and  hang out all the time since we live together." I explained.

"Oh we live together?" She asked.

"Yeah, we've been together for like a year now." I said.

"Since you forgot Zoey there's something I do have to tell you about our relationship." I said to her seriously.

"What is it?" She asked.

"No, it's nothing never mind it would be too much for you to handle. I said quickly heading over to the bathroom. I to stared down at the sink in putting my hands on the sides of the sink to lean on it. Zoey followed me to the bathroom slowly since she was still a bit in pain. I froze as she wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my back.

"Tell me babe. I can handle it." Zoey cooed looking at us through the mirror. I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks at her actions. I never thought it would ever be like this. I have to admit I like it.

"We're criminals."

"What?" She asked amused. I looked at her. Her eyes widened.

"Wait are you serious?" I nodded.

"We rob stores together and  kill  poeple together." I said to her. She let go of me taking everything I said in. After a minute she responded.

"Alright, so how did I lose my memory?" She asked.

"2 guys kidnapped you." I said to her.

"Wait what?" She asked.

"You were in a van with them and you guys crashed." I explained.  Zoey paused for a moment  her expression saddened.

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