No More Nether

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Chapter 17 Of Adventures In Mineplex
Skyden's POV

"Eleanor?!"I asked.She looked up ad I saw that her eyes were brimming with tears..oh Notch.Everyone froze and just stared as her tears slowly dripped onto the Netherrack.."I just lost a friend.."she said and Alex looked at her like,I dunno her.

I waved her aside and went up to Eleanor."Guys,we have to discuss this later..right now I think we have to run.."Alex said and all of us ran past the mobs and took off..on our way home again..

"Over there!"Steve shouted and pointed to the Nether Portal on the other side."Steve, a bridge..Alex and I will hold them off.."Eleanor said and stepped forwards holding out her diamond sword that Steve gave to her.I nodded and started to pull out stacks of cobblestone.

"Come on and let's get those mobs."I heard Alex say and as we built,Eleanor closed her eyes and waited..Alex brought down mob after mob and just as Steve paced the last block and gestured at us to go.Eleanor yelled defiantly and exploded a whole line of mobs..just as we went through,I heard Herobrine laughing and the purple light teleported me away.

"That was the biggest battle I ever went through.."Alex gasped as we propped ourselves agaist the now empty frame of the NetherPortal."Harpy!"Eleanor smiled at her cat as it embraced her in a hug."Harpy?"Alex asked and soon,the girls were engaging in a conversation.

"Guys,( Alex looked at Steve )..ahem..and girls..we still don't have enough Enderpearls..we could use at least 3 more.."Steve said gloomily as Eleanor bit her lip."I have.."Alex said.All of us turned and looked at her as she pulled out 5 Enderpearls..

"Yesss!!"I took them and put them inside my bag."Thank you Skyden for that amazing victory..anyway,now we need some Diamonds.."Steve said and checked the list."Wha?"Alex said and just opened her mouth really big..oh..great..sheesh..

"First Enderpearls now Diamonds..c'mon Steve you gotta be kidding me.."Eleanor replied and snatched the paper from Steve."Oh..oh wow..really?Seriously?"she said and we looked at the paper."Oh for Notch's sake.."Alex sighed and took out some pickaxes.."Who's ready then?"she said and together,we went off to find a mine..


Well guys,all I can say is that this is gonna be trilling and has a lot of secrets coming up..stay tuned and comment and vote and do stuff like that.!

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