Steve's In Trouble

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Chapter 11 Of Adventures In Mineplex
Skyden's POV

"You gotta be kidding me!"Eleanor yelled as she stormed around the tree house.A letter came this morning from the one and only Herobrine."Okay,do you still want me to read it?"Steve asked.

I nodded and we ignored Eleanor as she stormed around some more."Okay,

Dearest Steve,Eleanor and Skyden,
Prepare to die.Prepare to lose everything.Prepare everything and just prepare your weapons but you will not need them anyway cauz we are too powerful for you.We will be coming for you.Get ready to be tortured.


"Oh..that's encouraging."I said as Steve folded the paper and looked confused for a second before crushing it."Dude,what did you do that for?!"I grabbed his arm as he ripped it to pieces.

"Too angry?"Eleanor asked as he finished her 'tantrum'."Okay everyone just calm down..okay?"I said as Steve ripped the paper even more."Even though we have the best swordsman right here ( gestured to Steve ), Miss Magic ( gestured to Eleanor,who punched me on the arm ) and me who does basically nothing.( gestured to myself ) " I sighed and sat on the floor.

Eleanor softened when I finished saying that and sat down next to me.Awkward.Steve glared at me and mumbled,"Uh..gotta go get some resources.."and took off.What's his problem.?

"I'm sorry Skyden."Eleanor mumbled.What for?Then I realized that I was talking in my head.I coughed nervously  and smiled,"Uh..what for?"Eleanor shook her head and patted Harpy."Must be tough..leaving everyone behind."she muttered as she swung her glowing green enchanted sword around so that it was like the world's deadliest glow stick.

"Well,if it wasn't for..."Eleanor started to say before I pulled her back and I stood up."Skyden?What'..."she started to say before I shushed her."Quiet..I hear something..."I pulled out my bow and notched an arrow.Eleanor scrambled up to stand and raised her sword for some light.We were talking so much that we didn't realize that it was nightfall.

Then it occurred to me...

Steve was out there...


HEY GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND I GOT LIKE, 20 READS IN LIKE HALF AN HOUR AND I WAS LIKE, YOU GUYS ARE SO AMAZING!I LOVE YOU!Sorry for writing such a short chapter but because I love all of you I'm writing 2 chapters today!

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Adventures In Mineplex { Completed } / Book 2Where stories live. Discover now