Again?! Are You Freaking Serious!!

Start from the beginning

"Thank you Venus, You have been nothing but good to me. Love you sister. " I smiled.

"I love you too L.T!" We both smiled at my name.

"Venus do you think you could help me apologize to Teddi?"

"Of course I can."

We were about to leave when Leo came bursting through the doors, "Mikey and Teddi are in danger! The Krrang are attacking them, Come on they need help!" 

I jumped up, "Oh no they don't!! I need to apologize first!!!" Venus smirked as we ran out and into the shell raiser.


Teddi pov

Me and Mikey were at the park just skating away the earlier argument, I was just trying to help! I thought angrily as I went zooming down the half pipe. Honestly she didn't have to blow up at me like that!! I was so into my thoughts that I went a little faster then I thought I would and SMACK!! I landed in a heap on the ground as my board went rolling to the top and then came charging at me. I held my hand out ready to hit it away when Mikey came by and whacked it to the side, "Are ya okay Kare-Bear!!"

I held his hand as he helped me up, "Yeah just a," I rubbed my head, "Ouch, little bump." 

Mikey smiled and crouched down picking my hat up, "Here ya go, nice color!" He grinned at the bright orange.

"Thanks, It's the best!" His grin brightened and he was about to say something when the ground started to shake, making us both fall over. A loud screeching sound went off, like the brakes on a car, "What the Shell!!!" I yelled out covering my ears!!

Mikey winced and stood up his eyes widening, "Quick call the others!!"

"Why?" I stood up and looked up and up at the huge nasty pink thing with hundreds of smaller pink things!! "OH THAT WHY!!!"

 I whipped out my phone and hit the first name Donnie, He picked it up, "Teddi? Hey what's---"

I cut him off as the Pink aliens took notice of me and Mikey, "DON!!! WE NEED SOME SERIOUSLY MAJOR HELP!!!"

Mikey whipped out his nunchuks and started to spin them, "BOO-YA-KASHA!!!!" He yelled jumping into the fray smashing the robot people.

"We're going ta need A LOT of help!!! Mikey what are these things!!" I asked my puny knife in one hand the phone in the other.

"Teddi tell me what's going on? Where are you guys?" Don's voice rang out.

"ThE KrRaNg MuSt NoT hAvE wItNeSsEs!!" One robo guys said grabbing my arm. I jumped towards him and sliced the wire near the neck. The bot fell over and a squealing brain popped out of the stomach.

"EWW!! GROSS!!" I cringed and kick the thing as far away from me as possible, I looked at my shoe and saw slim on it, "Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!" I shook it off and screamed ducking as one of them swung at my head, "Bug off I'm on the phone!!" I yelled cutting the same wires and jumping away from the next brain thing!! 

"ThE KrRaNg WiLl NoT bE dEfEaTeD!!" it squealed as it ran.

I shuttered and went back to Don, "Donatello!!! If the Krrang are friends of yers, ya better tell them ta back the freak off!!!"

"The Krrang?! Hold on you two we'll be there soon!!"

"Well hurry up!! We're at the little link skate park!! and---HEY!!!" I yelled out as a robot grabbed my phone and crushed it, "DUDE!!! SO NOT COOL!!!" I kicked him and whipped out my slightly longer knife, Those guys better come soon! I thought as me and Mikey started fighting back to back.

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