Red Minx

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(HELLO!!! I just wanted to Say thank you For your Support and for your Comments!! Thank you So much and I hope You enjoy this next Chappy!!! Cause I know I did ;D Nice pic of Raph too huh?! I thought It was Pertty cool!!! Btw if you Did This picture than that is some Seriously awesome Skill!!)

Lilly pov

The rest of the weekend was a bit of a blur; I would get ready, practice, dance, then go home and crash exhausted. Well at least Annalysse had left me alone, I smiled to myself as I put my dress away. We had just finished the last dance, and it went very well. . . okay it was fantastic!!! All of the little kids and adults were very nice and happy, I even got to talk with some well known dance instructors!! Three of them offered me a position at their studio!!

I giggled and walked out of the theater, I dropped my board and started to skate home. I glanced around at the inky dark night, maybe I should try to find a cab. I started to skate a little faster, nervous. Although after a few minuets I started to calm down a little and let my mind wander to the last few days events.

I was so deep in my thoughts and excitement that I didn't see the baseball bat until it was too late. I was skating one minuet and the next I was whacked in the stomach. HARD! I fell over, my body jarred from the impact of the cement. I winced and clutched my stomach, sure that I was going to have a huge bruise. 

I coughed violently, my lungs on fire, trying to regain the breath that was knocked out of me. I looked up and saw a group of purple dragons, I glared still coughing. One guy walked forward with a bright bleached white Mohawk, and so many piercings that a pincushion would be jealous. He grinned sickeningly down at me, "Well boys what do we have here? A mouse?"

Another skinny one stepped forward, making me scoot back until I was pressed against the wall, his foul odor making me want to hurl, "More like a Fox!"

The others laughed and slapped each other on the backs, their leader looked me up and down, "Your right," He swiftly bent down and grabbed my face, "She is a beauty!" My anger flashed, I reared back and punched him square in the nose, he howled and grabbed his now bleeding nose. But as he stood up he lifted his leg and kicked me further into the alleyway.

Gasping I held my pounding stomach, "She may be a beauty, but she still has to pay." He gave me a wicked grin, "Have fun boys!" I felt panic set in as the guys all turned stalking towards me, all pulling out various weapons. I clutched myself and tried to get away only to be cornered in by a garbage bin. The skinny rank one whipped out a knife, my eyes widened as I started hyperventilating.

Memories started invading my thoughts:

 ~The first fight: A gun shot that ended my best friends life, leaving me wounded.

~The second fight: The large knife gleaming in the moonlight, no hesitation with taking a life.

Terrified I whimpered as they came within a few feet of my shaking body. They were all stopped as a big green turtle landed right in front of me, his seis whipped out and ready for a fight, "Yer all goin ta have ta go through me ferst!!" 

The dragons all stepped back, before their leader growled, "There's only one of him and six of us! Come on let's teach them both a lesson!" They all sneered.

I saw Raph chuckle and I could feel his smirk as he said, "Bring it! Purple Punks! Make my night!!" They all jumped him, but I felt myself smile as I saw that they couldn't even touch him. Raph punched, kicked and threw the Dragons around like they were nothing more then test dummys. They soon were all scrambling away and out the alley.

Raph was huffing his back to me, I got up slowly with some help from the course brick wall. He turned around and faced me before putting his seis away and smirking, "Well that was fun."

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