Um Okay Now WHAT?!

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( So Sorry Guys!!! I won't even write a Big A/N I'll just say thank you and Enjoy!! Nice Pic too!! Not mine!)

Raph Pov

I punched out a foot ninja that got too cocky, I smirked and threw him into a bunch of his buddies. I was about to hit another one when a blood curdling scream broke out, freezing me mid hit. I whipped around and ran towards the scream, not caring about the ninja's around me. I came closer and there in a puddle of the new mutagen was Lilly writhing around in pain. Her screams echoing around the room making it a continuous torture.

I slid down as close as I could and just stared, not sure what to do, "DON!?"

"BUSY!" He hollered as he pushed back two katana wielding ninjas, and whipped around to knock another off his feet.

Lilly stopped screaming and was breathing in rapid screeching breaths, I started to panic as her breathing became erratic. I couldn't touch her though, I don't know what that would do to her. "LEO!?"

 He grunted and shoved a ninja away before answering, "We need to get out of here! Don distraction! Mikey get Teddi use these lab coats! Raph get Lilly! Serina help me cover! Go!" Leo tossed me a big white lab coat, I draped it over Lilly's shivering wet body. I carefully picked her up, her entire body but the top of her head covered in the thick cloth. Don threw smoke pellets down fogging up the room, and helping us escape out the door and through a window.

I ran clutching Lilly close to me, scared out of my mind. I jumped into the car as we drove off. Don drove us expertly through the streets, all I could think about was all of that mutagen, it was so much. I realized then that I wasn't angry, I was scared. Usually I would be furious now, but I just couldn't be when Lilly needed me. 

I watched her and held her tighter as she shook and shriek out in pain. I hated it, I was so useless right now! Don clicked a button and the wall ahead opened up letting us in and to the garage. I jumped up as soon as the car stopped and kicked forcing the doors open. I ran to the lab, passing Sensei by, not a word was said.

I slammed in there and shoved the tools on the table down and away, I gently set Lilly down. I turned around and cleared another table as Donnie and Mikey came in with Teddi. The coat around Teddi had slipped down to show her face, I looked at her. Her eyes were shut tight as she held in her screams of pain by just whimpering.

Mikey set Teddi down on the table and taking one of the sleeves started to brush the sweat away from her head. I turned back to Lilly and froze, Lilly wasn't moving. I panicked and felt all the blood drain from me, please no!

"Donnie." My voice cracking showing my fear, Don jerked up and jumped over to the table. Before he could see what was wrong her body arched straight up her piercing scream echoing off the walls, "RAPH HOLD HER!!" Don shoved me towards her thrashing body, my mind had stopped working I couldn't think I could only do. I grabbed her shoulders and held her down as best as I could, her legs kicking out in frantic hard movements.

I froze as the mutagen started to take effect and sink into her skin. Her caramel hair started to shade down to black, her skin color also changed to a dark brown color. Her eyes flashed open to show them changing from soft green to bright yellow and back again as she convulsed.

Don's voice brought me back to the present, "RAPH!! HOLD HER!!!" I jerked and pressed down on her shoulders as Don jammed a needle above her collar bone. Her eyes widened as she tried to take in a breath sounding as if she was choking!!

"DONNIE!?!?" I yelled still holding her down.

"Wait, hold her!!" He ran over to his desk and grabbed two more shots before running back and sticking them in her as well. Lilly instantly fell flat on the table, gasping for the precious air around us.

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