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Dan's P.O.V. (this isn't gonna happen much)

I woke up and as usual Phil was wrapped up in my arms. I kissed his forehead, "Morning.." I mumbled sleepily. Phil nuzzled his face into my chest, "Can we stay in bed babe?" He asked, his voice muffled. I played with his hair for a couple minutes before responding with a nearly silent 'mmhm.'

Piper poked her head into the room, "Leaving in ten minutes, Dan you should probably make a video for once." She said in a sarcastic tone. I rolled my eyes and rolled over to face Phil. "Hi.." I said. He smiled, "You actually should make a video today..it's been like four weeks."

I ran my fingers through my hair, "Yeah..I know." Phil giggled and kissed my lips, I couldn't help but smile through it. When we managed to take our hands off each other, I left to shower and cook something.

Phil didn't really want me to leave and I didn't want to either but we had stuff to do today. Even if Phil didn't know about it yet...


Piper's P.O.V.

Studying. Sucks. Ass.

Excuse me for the language, but it's the honest truth. I was doing some random work in the library because turns out there's math test next week. Of course, the week after we get back we have a math test that's 10% of our grade, that's completely logical.

I closed my books and felt two hands on my shoulders, "Hi babe.." I heard Avery say behind me. I smiled a little, I really liked Avery, so him asking me out kind of boosted my ego. I looked up and saw him smiling down at me.

He sat down next to me, "We need to talk." He said, he sounded nervous.


Long story short, he found someone 'better than me' and now I'm single. I have only been dating him for like a week so honestly I could care less. He could've at least sugar coated it a bit. Oh well, I don't have to text anyone goodnight and good morning now.

Sure, I'm a little upset, but I'm not gonna mope around over a boy. This is probably gonna get me bullied more, but who cares? He's an ignorant dick who couldn't handle my sweet ass.


I got home and went into Dan and Phil's room, Phil was putting on a dress shirt and a tie, "Where are you going, Mr. Fancy?" I asked, sitting on the bed, "Dan just said dress nice, that means you too. There's a dress on your bed, Dan said to tell you to put it on. And do your hair nice."

I shrugged and went to my room, I'll tell Phil about me getting dumped later. There was a little black dress laying on top of my pastel-yellow duvet. Beside the dress was a pair of Lacey black flats that matched the dress.

I quickly put it on and inspected myself in the mirror, my almost white hair looked great with the dress, and it sort of brought out my eyes. Though I'm kinda suspicious about where Dan is taking me, Phil, and him..

Adopted By Dan and PhilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora