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I woke up to the sound of four voices, "Good morning beautiful." Some random lady said. I stared at her, "Um..who are you?" I asked. "Oh I'm Phil's mum, I just couldn't wait to see you and I got here a bit early!" She laughed. I tilted my head in confusion and looked to Phil, "Dan's mum is in the lounge, Piper." He smiled, it was obviously forced.

I nodded and got up, "Breakfast is in the kitchen." Phil's mum said, then turned to Phil, smiling more than before. It was kind of creepy how much she was smiling. I walked towards to kitchen only to be stopped by Dan and his mum. "Oh! You're up? Hi, I'm Dan's mother, so nice to meet you." She shook my hand. I nodded, "Uh..Hi. I'm Piper.." I said and continued my stroll to the kitchen. Quietly, I heard Dan's mum whisper, "She has your shyness."


While the adults were talking, I was playing Halo 3 with Dan's xbox. It was all fine until Phil brought up that time he caught me singing in my room, "She was so good, I don't know why she was so freaked out about me hearing her." He laughed. I got up and walked to the lounge, "Are you talking about that one time?" I asked and Phil nodded. "You scared me half to death when you walked in." I laughed.

Then he said it. I don't know if he understood how bad he freaked me out, but it was bad. "You should sing something for us." Phil laughed. I basically froze, "Well..um..you see, about that..." I rambled. Suddenly Dan shot up, "ITS BASICALLY AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION FEAR I TOLD YOU IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH IT!" He yelled. "Lower your voice, damn." I said and all eyes shot to me.

Phil looked a bit mad, "Language young lady." He scolded. I'd never seen Phil mad but I didn't like it. I mumbled, "Yes sir.". Dan did a 'yikes' face and changed the subject to me starting school next week, I just got up and went to continue my game.


By the time both mothers had left, it was five o'clock. Dan was starting a video and Phil was just on his laptop. "Dad, can I go to the park? There's one like right down the road." I asked him, sitting in front of him. "Uhh, go ask your father.." He said, not even paying attention. I sighed, then walked to their door and knocked, "Come in!" Dan yelled.

I walked in, "I asked Dad two if I could go to the park down the road but he said ask you." I explained. Dan turned his chair around, I could already tell he was gonna say no. "Babe, I would've said yeah if you had asked a bit earlier but there's a lot of weirdos who kidnap people after four o'clock and you can probably assume the rest." He sighed.

I groaned, "It's fine, I understand." I grumbled, and left to my room. Every morning I saw kids walking to and from school, I envied them. They looked so posh and like they had their whole life ahead of them. Meanwhile I'm a slob who is adopted.

But at least I have some of the coolest dads in the world.

Adopted By Dan and PhilWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu