Chapter 14 (Locked and Loaded)

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eyyyyyy guys!! Another chapter!! Freddy is freakin out coz Chica hasn't woken up yet... *turns microphone to Freddy* Freddy: CHIIIICAAAAAAAA!! WAAAAKE UUUUP!!! I have pizza? Me: On with the chapter, I'm gonna have to run at the end of this...


Everyone was silent at first. 'How can we trust him?' Asked Freddy in his head. Foxy was just there with his ears folded back, ready to pounce if he hurt Sky. Bonnie stood next to you thinking then... "I trust him." You said. Everyone turned to look at you. "Why (Y/n)? He took you to the frikkin puppet!!" Asked Freddy, Goldie's ears folded back at the word puppet. "He tried to help me. He did. Please... Trust him guys, with Bonnie to keep his mind off the puppet's he'll be fine!" You persuaded. At this point everyone was looking at Goldie who was shifting his feet nervously, until Bonnie threw his arms around him. "Thank you, for trying to save her. You did your best, I believe her... I trust him!" Said Bonnie. "Well if it's good enough for Bonnie then I trust 'im!" Agreed Foxy. Freddy was there staring at his brother, then sighed. "Good to have ya back bro! I trust him!" Said Freddy happily, Goldie hugged his brother and he hugged back.

"Right I'm gonna ring the mechanic." Said Sky after a while. "Yeah I agree, I'm coming with you Sky. I want to know when Chica will hopefully be ready." Said Freddy hastily, following after Sky to the office. "Yeah that's right... Well the Pizzeria's closing for two weeks over Christmas. I'll take the keys so I can come here any time and let the mechanics in. Which reminds me!" You added flipping out your phone. "I need to call Mr. Johnson to come here straight away..." You mumbled dialing the number. Mr Johnson picked up the phone after a few seconds.

Hello? (Y/n)? Is everything okay?

Uhhhh... Not exactly Mr Johnson... Ch-Chica is broken and we don't know what's wrong with her, Sky's calling the mechanics now. I know it's 5:30 but can you come over real quick?

Yes of course, you can explain what happened when I get there.

With that you hung up "Mr Johnson's on his way now." You said to Bonnie and Foxy. Sky and Freddy came up the West Hall. "The mechanics are coming too!" Said Sky worriedly. She walked over to Chica along with Freddy. "Get well soon Chic." Whispered Sky, a tear falling down her cheek. Foxy came over and hugged her. "It'll be alright lassie, don worry, Chica be a strong lassie." He reassured, Sky nodded. "Okay." She said into his shoulder. "AWWWWW THEY'RE SO CUUUUUUTE!!" You shouted. Instantly Sky's cheeks heated up. "D-don't be rid-ridiculous (Y-Y/n)..." Stuttered Sky. Foxy's ears folded back. "G-Glad I ain't  hu-human..." He muttered. "Why not Foxy boy?" Asked Bonnie, smirking. Foxy's ears perked up, he had forgotten that Bonnie's hearing is really good. "U-Uh I-I.... I.... Uhhhh..." Stammered Foxy backing up a little.  "It's only coz we can't see you blushing ain't it Foxy?" You asked grinning. Foxy went quiet. You and Bonnie just smiled at each other.

"Ah well, we'll leave that for another time. Now the Pizzeria is locked for the holidays. And loaded for a fight!" Said Bonnie. "Yep your right Bonnie...

We're locked and loaded."


There ya go! haven't got much time coz Freddy wants to kill me for having the mechanics in for Chica. Also 180 views. Thanks guys gotta go Byeeeee!! *runs from Freddy*

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